Sunday, December 27, 2015

Tim Egan on Bromance

      So, we've been subjected to a barrage of comments and commentary on published reports of US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russya's president Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin exchanging complimentary words and phrases.  Yuk.  No doubt pundits enjoy this type of reporting because it is done with levity and mindlessness(not mindfulness, that's different).  Mr. Egan writes a column for the NY Times OP Ed pages.  The day after Christmas, he wrote a column that included moments of "qualified joy".
      So, what he says is:
      Trump and Putin find each other.  the bromance between two of the most ODIOUS, BULLYING, NARCISSISTIC TYRANTS has been building for some time.  Now, they have professed their mutual affection for each other.  The Russyan president, Mr. Putin, invades countries, stifles dissidents, and has been accused of killing those who oppose him.  For that, Donald Trump says he is worthy of admiration.  Trump sneers at women, the disabled, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, veterans and anyone who is unattractive.  "He is  a really brilliant and talented person,: said Putin.  The vulgarian and the war criminal, together at last.
     He ended his last column of the year with a salute to those who expressed in answers to a poll that they would be embarrassed if Donald trump was  elected president.
     Where's the photo of Putin and the Orthodox prelate strolling from the cathedral?

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