Friday, December 18, 2015

Mad Vlad's Annual Q & A Session 2015

      So, here we have President/ Oligarch/KGB Graduate/ Militarist/Horseback riding/Nature Boy expounding on economics.  He said that the Russyan economy will return to positive territory next year and begin the long climb back to respectability.   Ha, ha, ha,ha.  All this rot is based on $50/barrel oil++++.  Fat chance.  With a glut on the market and Iran waiting in the wings to challenge the Saudis once again, there is a snowball's chance in hell of seeing $50 oil in 2016.  The USA will be happy to see $25/barrel oil.  Mr. Vladimir, not so much.
     I think that the average Russkie in the streets of Moskova would be happy if he could go to Sochi for a weekend on a plane that won't crash or get blown out of the sky by a crazy Chechen or a disgruntled Crimean or Ukrainian nationalist disguised as Belarusyan in a hijab.  This ongoing Kremlin charade serves the usual and customary purpose of keeping the Russyan population enthrall, and hopeful in face of all contrary evidence.
     No doubt citizens are waiting for the next election cycle when they can turn to Mr. Medvedev for rescue.  Oh, wait a minute.  They already did that.  And Vova ran away with the country.   Hmmmm.  Welcome to those who live in the largest country in the world.

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