Thursday, December 10, 2015

Inland Empire in California

       Not too long ago, Californians learned that in a Southern Californian city, elected officials were using the city budget as a personal slush fund.  Paying themselves amounts well into 6 figures, they looted the accounts of taxpayers for personal benefit without the slightest hint of integrity.  They are in prison, funds(some,not all) have been returned, and their retirement programs have been nullified.
     Now we find that the practice is endemic in California, practiced widely as though looting local budgets is nothing more than a compensation package justified by being a civil servant.  In former days, public employees signed on for security, earning less than their peers in private employment who coped with market forces beyond their control.  This kept the balance of salaries at about 60-40%, with private employment earnings higher than civil servants.  Now, it has swung in the opposite direction: civil servants get 60% or more than private employees.
      Transparent California, a nonprofit group, has done its homework in the public employment sector of California.  The results are not pretty, and the results are shocking, especially in light of the economic recession that continues to plague wages and benefits in the private sector.  Going to their website,, one can see immediately that salaries far exceed median wages across the private sector employment landscape.
      The One party system that currently exists in the state certainly contributes to the situation.  The public sector employee unions have done an amazing job, negotiating with elected officials throughout the state.  How long will this continue?  Until such time as there is a return to balance in the body politic.  The state will continue to one of the most expensive to live in, and business will leave the onerous tax environment that currently holds sway in cities, counties, and Sacramento.

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