Thursday, December 10, 2015

Russya Cranks Up Propaganda Machine

      The Kremlin's propaganda machine is spewing forth, again.  This in the form of a supplement in today's WSJ.  It probably cost Vova a few millions-chump change, really.  Of course, most Amerikansky will use the supplement to wrap fish, dog doo, animal entrails, or other detritis.  But, they know that.  Surveys indicate that fewer than 1/2 of 1% actually read the silly thing.  It's akin to the supplements President Xi Jinping of Red China puts forth occasionally.
       But the Russyan supplements are in a class all by themselves.  It's much like a fortune teller given some hallucinagenic drugs and asked a less serious question.  Here's your answer(s)-in English here, translated by a non native who learned English in Poland from a ex-pat Englishman who has never set foot in the New World.  In other words, the translation is pathetic.  But the money will help News Corp.'s bottomline, and that is really all we care about in the USA-the Bottomline.  Those dollars in reserve under the Kremlin are put to good use, finally, after sitting in the dusty vault all these years, waiting for an opportunity to be spent.  Thank you, Vova.
    Now, about Ukraine.  No, we have not forgotten Ukraine, despite your obsession with Syria, Germany, France, and Crimea.   And the coming depression in Russya in 2016.  Tsk, tsk.  The poor rouble, hardly worth putting on the wall of the dacha.   Maybe you can buy a few Swiss francs.   Good luck, we'll read the excepts of the propaganda sheet tonight; it will help us sleep.

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