Sunday, December 13, 2015

Tahoma: Snow Report

     Yes, that is snow, Dear.  Yes, it is falling and piling up on Highway 89.  Yes, I will shovel the steps and the driveway.  Yes, I will push the pile off the deck, the roof, and the truck.  NO, I will not complain.  Yes, I will remember to buy gas for the snow blower.  Yes, I will remember to fix the snow blower motor.  Yes, I will buy a new blower.  Yes, I will put the snow tires on this week for sure, no fail.   Yes, I will put gas in the standby generator, if I can find it.  The candles are around here someplace.  Oh, I will cut down a tree for Christmas today, if it stops snowing.  I know I said that last weekend, but I hurt my back bending over to start the chainsaw.  It's supposed to stop snowing tonight; it's only a minor storm, nothing big.  Life at Lake Tahoe.

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