Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Is Dilma History?

     Maybe at this hour, impeached suspended President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff is waiting for the other shoe to drop.  The Senate is going to vote(may have finished) this afternoon.  Most believe she will be impeached once and for all.  This will end another chapter in the convoluted political process of Brazil that has dragged on for months, if not years. 
     The Olympic Games are no longer an issue: they are over and done with.  The focus now is on removing the president(done), and restoring some sanity to politics in Brasilia, the capitol of South America's largest country and largest economy.  Our Minister on the ground has forwarded latest updates to keep all Tahomans informed of Brazil's latest efforts to clean up a notoriously corrupt government.
     Our Minister believes that change is coming, however slowly.  A new president is necessary to move the country forward, especially given the track record of her predecessor Luis Lula da Silva who is currently defending himself against charges of corruption and accepting bribes.
    Expect more turmoil as the next phase begins tomorrow.

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