Saturday, August 27, 2016

Russyan ParaOlympics Team Banned From Brazil

       Officials of the IOC-ParaOlympics banned the entire team from this year's events in Rio which are about to begin.   Officials cited a proven record of doping in members of the team and decided it was not worth the effort to police the entire Russyan contingent.   Members of the Russyan organization expressed concerns that this decision was motivated by political policies made by the IOC.  They also pointed to difficulties with Western democracies, such as the United States.  They put most blame on the USA, saying it is a continuation of harassment of all things Russyan.  This argument agrees with the ongoing Russyan positions that the world hates all Russyans because they are so superior.   This position underscores the cultural isolation of Russya that is self imposed for the most part.
     Time to get over it.  The world has moved forward(outside of the Middle east), and it would be in the best interest of the citizenry of the largest country in the world to move into the 21st century with the rest of the world.

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