Saturday, July 2, 2022

4th of July: Summer Begins Cooler

         Ready, set, go! It's summer, Bunky. Finally, and there won't be any disturbing news to digest. The period of rest and relaxation has begun. Let the games begin: water sports will mark the weekend at Lake Tahoe. Obexers on the West Shore @ Homewood will be a hot bed of activity as visitors converge with all manner of water craft: sailboats, ski boats, catamaran cruisers, jet skis, pontoon boats, and just 'speed' boats. Get ready for the morning wake up when the roar of those big outboard engines hum in the morning mist, pulling the skiers and wake-jumpers across a glassy surface as they combine to form that unique blend of dynamic action and placid water.

         The pandemic is not over, however, we've adjusted our living standards to adapt to a position of relative comfort: we've been vaccinated,2-3- and 4 times. We congregate outdoors as much as possible, and we carry masks just in case. We also read about current conditions but without trepidation. Fewer citizens are hospitalized, fewer among us die, and those who do become infected, stay home and recover.

         We have had a rough time in California for several weeks on top of the pandemic(2+ years and counting). Travelers have taken over the airports again. Flights are cancelled routinely, stranding thousands. Bernie Sanders wants to fine airlines $55,000/passenger on each cancelled flight. Great publicity stunt, Bern! Airlines complain of bad weather. Employees complain of low wages, poor management, and over worked staffers. Hmmmm. Then Southwest pilots went on strike/slw down this past week, demonstrating in Texas against the company. Sound familiar? Maybe.  And Apple Store employees are forming a union. Good.

        So, lets go to the beach and forget about it. Sand Harbor? Commons Beach? Meeks? Pope Beach? or just a convenient shoreline along 89?  Pick one. Enjoy. Crowds? Normal. 

      Fireworks? Maybe, depends. Out on the Lake-Ok. On land-no. No more. Recall the Caldor Fire? So, don't light off any privately, either. Just chill, listen to music, play with the grand kids.

Happy 4th of July

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