Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Greece: The Clock is Ticking in the Standoff

     The European finance ministers are staring down Greek financial leaders as the deadline approaches for decisions to be made about the future of Greece as a participant in the Euro zone.  How long will this continue: not long.  Greece will effectively be w/o funds in 2 weeks.  Will Germany blink?  The ECB?  Mario Draghi?  Angela Merkel?  It is sad that the game they are playing is a game with lots of losers and few winners.   Bankers are sitting on the sidelines waiting, as bankers do, for the chips to fall where they will.
      Most leaders are in agreement:  it is best to keep Greece, because all will suffer if the little Mediterreanean nation goes adrift, printing drachmas to keep the economy from total melt down.  Sure, maybe Russya would step in, or even China.  But don't count on it. 

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