Sunday, February 8, 2015

Flying Circus: US Airlines

     For passengers on domestic flights in the US, the experience of flying has become an "experience".    Full flights, extra fees for about everything, security checkpoint hassles, baggage problems, no food service, tight seats (and getting tighter), no leg room, no movies, surly cabin staff, long waits on the tarmac, and insult of insults: no tickets avail. for all those miles.
     Well, it's not enough.  The recent drop in fuel prices/ oil has gone right to the bottom line of all the majors(and minors,too).   So, what are the airlines doing now?   They want to block access to the US market by foreign carriers, eg. Emirates Airlines.   So, they want as little competition as possible.  They buy up other companies here(United absorbed Continental recently), American emerged from bankruptcy and is now flourishing, and growing.   New aircraft ordered will be configured with extra seats in economy, reducing width from 18 1/2" to 17" to accommodate the increase.  Lovely. 
     And 1st Class?  Those seats are even roomier than before, loaded with extra amenities.  There's no equality in the air; only inequality.  Thank you very much.
       The oligopoly starts here: knock out the competition until you are the only game in town.  Lobby Congress and regulators(deregulated in 70's), force out the weak sisters by conspiring to freeze markets, and pay as little dividend as possible to the sheep who are dumb enough to invest in your company stock(you hold only preferred shares and you control the board and set your own salary).  Lovely.   Our ministers fly about the country regularly and we often hear of their trials and tribulations.  The Mayor flies occasionally, but not for business.   European airlines seem to do a better job, but they have their own financial worries.(see Alitalia).  Don't forget Ryanair, the low cost carrier out of Ireland.  A most disgusting operation, filled with cheap seats, and no service.  You want cheap, fly Ryanair.  Most Europeans with a salary will choose another carrier.  Students and large families are stuck with these cattle cars.
     Write your Congressman-Oh, don't bother.  Their mail is screened and ends up in the dumpster.  Send an email, which goes to trash.  But you'll feel better afterward.

1 comment:

  1. I flew out of the old air terminal at SFO. carried my own luggage, no security check, printed ticket w/ carbon copies. It was a gamblers' Special to Lake Tahoe. Won the cabin pool: $25. Big money then. Flight crew was friendly and courteous comong nd going. We gambled all night and they flew us home in the morning. Those were the days.


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