Monday, February 22, 2016

Trump: The US Version of Silvio Berlesconi

      Not too many years ago, the international media had lots of fun following the antics of Italy's Prime Minister, Silvio Berlesconi.  The self-made billionaire was a businessman turned politician.  Why not?  If he was elected, he could bend the laws in his favor.  Which is exactly what he did.  While Prime Minister, he was, by law, immune from accusations(slander), and immune from prosecution.   He had it all:  plenty of money, influence, and his No. 1 weakness- pretty young women who liked to rub shoulders with the ultimate power broker.  Eventually, he was kicked out and tried for influence peddling, and other high crimes.  He's dropped of the radar as he approaches his 80th BD.
     Now his American clone, Darn Old Trump is only 69.  He has more hair and a younger wife(#3).  He doesn't drink or smoke which gives him an advantage over most business associates.  His brother was an alcoholic and always warned Little Darn Old about "Demon Rum".   Little Darn Old took it to heart, and has been a teetotaler ever since.  Really?
      NOw that Darn Old is the Republican front runner, even the skeptical media is scratching its head:  Am I dreaming?
     Tomorrow is the Nevada Republican caucus- do you want to guess the outcome?  No, neither do I.

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