Thursday, February 11, 2016

Candidate Bloomberg?

      It seems that the attractions of the White House have wider appeal beyond the chattering class.  Michael Bloomberg is a chattering billionaire who has served as Mayor of New York City for 3 terms.  He is the ultimate self-financed candidate, out doing even Darn Old Trump.  When compared to the Trumpet, he comes out much better, having run the largest city in the east successfully for 12 years.
      With his name recognition due to his financial ties, he is hardly an unknown.  Media reports have him poised on the edge of candidacy, waiting for the right moment before throwing his hat into the ring.  He could win it all, come November.  With 5 times as much money as the Darn Old, Michael could out duel Hillary or the old scourge, Bernie Sanders, the ex-Brooklynite Vermonter. Bernie has a long track record, but hardly has support beyond a few millenial naifs.   As the primary election cycle heads south and west, after two GOP candidates(Christy and Fiorina) withdrew, now would be a good time for Bloomberg to announce.
     The pollsters are drooling over the prospects of more polling requests by the well-heeled businessman from NYC.
     We will watch and wait.

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