Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Russyans Put a Cake on It

      So, you are out to dinner with family and friends, having a nice time.   The next minute, you are surrounded by a group of 12 thugs, who begin slapping you around.  You are helpless to resist or defend yourself-there are just too many.  Soon, they gather a large cake and plant it on your head, sort of a "cheese head look", but with cake instead.
     The target here is Mikhail M. Tasyanov, who was attacked in a Moscova restaurant.  Mr. Tasyanov was Prime Minister under Mr. Putin during Vova's first administration.  Mr. Tasyanov joined the opposition after he left the Kremlin.   A cake today, polonium tomorrow.  Welcome to Moscova, my friend.
     Life in Russya is always exciting.  One just cannot predict what events will occur day to day.
As an example, today, Russyan head of Natural Resources of the largest country in the world, announced that Russya had submitted official claim to the land under the polar ice cap.  He claimed that this claim is in strict accordance with the United Nations agreements on Law of the Sea.  While a nation cannot claim navigable sea as part of their border beyond the 200 mile limit, a country can claim the ocean floor for its mineral contents, ie. energy deposits.  Most countries have not given much concern to prospecting in these inhospitable waters, especially in light of current crude oil prices.  But Russyans, they have a different reality than the rest of the civilized world.

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