Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Russya Attacks Childrens Hospital in Kyiv

    In a merciless assault against humanity, the Russyan military operation in Ukraine rained down missiles indiscriminately on Kyiv. Many citizens were killed, and many more wounded. One target was a Childrens Hospital in the city. A substantial portion of the building holding over 600 patients -all children was severely damaged. Staff members were observed pulling victims from the rubble, many children were missing.

      The missile attack clearly underscores the vicious attitudes of the Russyan military leaders in Moskva who are controlled by Mad Vlad in the Kremlin. The Little Dictator, recently returned from a tour of China where he asked for continued Chinese arms to support his assault on Ukraine. He also visited Vietnam to embrace that regime. 

      Summer is on in the northern hemisphere and ground troops can move without restriction by the weather. The U.N. is investigating this assault on the Children's Hospital.

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