Wednesday, June 22, 2022

New Trade Rules in US Ban Chinese Goods Made with Forced Labor

        How about all those manufactured goods from Xinjiang, China? You know, where factories hum along side the Uighur re-education centers where they (Uighurs) are taught how to be Chinese, forcefully.

Seems the Chinese Communists feel that teaching these Islamists about China will help them become more Chinese. And while they're at it, they can learn how to produce consumer goods for export to good customers in the Americas. The US government has finally put up a large stumbling block to this plan from beijing Communists.  Henceforth, all goods being imported from Xinjiang will have to be certified as not made with forced labor. Importers will be heavily fined if they cannot/will not certify that all imported goods are not made with forced labor. Yeah, finally, the do-nothings in Congress are doing something. Could this affect consumers in America? Sure can. Could reduce available merch to buy here. Could raise prices for goods already here or on ships at sea.

          Corporations have had years to comply, and definitely 6 months lately to comply. No excuses, at all. Monitors will be assessing compliance, and making decisions on what actually happens at the seaport as containers are opened and inspections begin, and manifests are checked against known entities as sources of forced labor sites.

         It will be interesting, even as Beijing buys more Russyan oil and gas at bargain prices to fuel up its industrial production. Ahhhh, China. One of the modern world's enigmas. They want to be great, but they stumble over the basics.

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