Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Winter: Price of Propane

      Maybe you haven't noticed; maybe you have noticed the recent price of a gallon of propane.  This fuel is most common inside the  Tahoe Basin for heating, cooking, and general use.  It's still winter, for about 3 more weeks.  Normally, prices stay the same until well into springtime.  However, turmoil within the energy sector of the economy has disrupted the norm.  Oil prices have been moving wildly, rising and falling as market prices react to various inputs.  The US has now become a net oil exporter for the first time in decades.   Shale oil production has been the driver in the US turnaround.  But propane is a different product, and often responds more closely with the weather.  And weather looks to be the current market force of cause.
    The US west has had a mild winter; so, too, Lake Tahoe and Northern California.  Most folks prepare for winter here by ordering fill ups before the white stuff falls.  Where has the snow been?  Not here; gone, until last week.  With a significant amount falling locally, it appears that we will approach average for the season.   We shall see.  But at $0.76/per gallon @ retail, that should prove enticing for those who have seen their on site tanks depleted.  Fill up now; no point in waiting any longer.
That's right, $0.76/gal.  Of course, suppliers add on a little profit-$2.00/a gal.  Hmmmm.  Isn't that interesting.

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