Monday, March 12, 2018

Italian Elections:2018

     The promised elections announced in the wake of Matteo Renzi's resignation last year have finally come to pass.  The March 4th election concluded a tumultuous campaign punctuated by a few incidents of violence as right-wing groups confronted left-winged groups in some urban settings, indicating growing unease among voters.  the elections came and went with outcomes close to those predicted by pollsters in the media.   No single party claimed a majority, leading to further uncertainty among the population.
     To examine the results, one must first look at the parties involved : all 9 parties for the camera dei deputati, and 7 for Del Senato Della Reppubblica.
For the Senate:
1. Movimento 5 Stelle(5 Star)
Italiani All'Estero) Italians living abroad
3. Liberi e Uguali
4. PD-Partito Democratico
5. Europa
6. Civica Popolare
7. Lega; Forza Italia; Fratelli d'Italia
     (The League, Force Italy, Brothers of Italy
For the Chamber:
    all the above plus:
  1. Partito Repubblicano Italiano-ALA
  2. Free Flights to Italy

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