Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Tim Cook, Apple, The F.B.I., and Ash Carter

     So, the F.B.I. wants your iphone.  Rather, it wants access to your iphone.  And its contents.  Your personal information.  Oh, they said only one phone, used by the murderous duo, the Farooks.  Why are governments so predictable.?  Maybe the N.S.A. should tell Mr. Comey that they already have all they need from all the communications of the murderers.  Oh, the F.B.I. doesn't really care about the iphone from San Bernardino County used by the duo.  They just want unlimited back door access-to ALL phones.  Hmmmmm.  Do I smell a fascist here?  A dirty rotten Fascist?
     And, then, Ash Carter, US Secretary of Defense says that we need better protection from cyber criminals.  The US has to act to close all avenues of cyber attacks.  More encryption, less access.  Ok.  The Dept. of Defense and the F.B.I. have different missions; but, they play for the same team.  And Tim Cook of Apple has been saying just that:  more encryption is good; less is worse.  Backdoor access is bad.
      Where's the leadership here?  Hmmmm.   It's an election year and the country is definitely confused.  Ask Darn Old what he thinks.  On second thought, forget it.
Dr. Ben Carson, Republican, has dropped out of the race for the presidential nomination.  He didn't catch fire.

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