Wednesday, November 1, 2023

World Series: Game 4

       Bruce Bochy could become the next governor of Texas. Although highly unlikely to enter politics, his fame and fortune appears to be ready to ascend to unthinkable heights. Last night, his team of unknowns, achieved status few have ever attained: the team posted back-to-back innings with 5 runs scored per each. This is record breaking territory; and he did this in Arizona, the home turf of the Snakes, aka-Diamondbacks(rattlers, serpents, asps, vipers, etc.).

       Boch' looks like the epitome of calm as he watched from his dugout, chewing his favorite gum at a furious pace. His eyeglasses slip a bit every now and then which he adjusts with one-finger accuracy. Most sports fans know that he retired after 3 World Series victories with the Giants, but retirement was too much like death for this sports genius. He accepted the offer from the Texans and now prepares to enter the record books once again.

       What's his secret? How does he make decisions; how does he out think his opponents? Where does his mastery of human emotions come from? Is it age? Is it experience? Education? Genetics? Or just the  #8-hat sized head filled with grey matter above average? Perhaps he will tell all to Michael Lewis? Then again, after Lewis' efforts with S. Bankman-Fried, maybe he'll seek another writer to talk with(Peggy Noonan?) Jason Gay?

       Older athletes, older men and women appreciate his stamina; his charisma; his inner calm that inspires his young super stars to perform above their weight. Have you ever tried to inspire youth in any fashion? That's fraught with every obstacle known. Why? Science says their brains are not fully formed; they can think, they can learn, but they are still developing inside the skull, the impenetrable center of everything.

      So, the Texans are up 3 games to 1. Arizona has heavy odds against winning 3 straight. Game 5 should/could be the final act for baseball's MLB 2023, and there will be lots of joy in Mudville,(Arlington) Texas.

Thank the Boch'!

Ps. For a bit of history: recall San Francisco's own manager of the Texans was Frank Lucchese for a few years in the 70's. He graduated from Galileo HIgh and played semi-pro ball before becoming a major league manager.

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