Thursday, November 2, 2023

HAMAS Opens Border to Egypt

    How generous of HAMAS- the leaders of this malevolent organization has allowed a few desperate people to leave Gaza. They had to be on "the List".  No name, no exit permission. This strangles one's hope. Among the few allowed to escape were seriously injured, foreign nationals with foreign passports and a few Palestinians who left family behind to gain freedom from the corrupt regime running the territory. Isn't this quaint? Putting desperate people through a sham hurdle designed to create more fear and anxiety. It reminds one of WW I when borders were dissolving as countries and empires collapsed, leaving fearful refugees fleeing wholesale death and destruction by armies who tdidn't know what was happening.

       Ambulances carried wounded survivors of Israel's response to the HAMAS terror attacks of October 7th when unarmed civilians were targeted and slaughtered by well trained assassins who killed women, children, and the elderly while seizing hostages to be used later as trade bait. Who does this? Iran and Iranians and their proxies.

What a world-the Middle east.

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