Thursday, March 21, 2019

Theresa May Calls Out Parliament

      In a terse statement yesterday PM Theresa May told MP's that the failure to reach a consensus on the Brexit is their fault.   They did not take it well, as one might expect.  This speech illustrates a couple of things: humans have intellectual limits/patience: only so much can be expected when business decisions must be made.  Oh the sloths in Parliament beleive they want this or that, but in reality, these so-called elected leaders can't make up their own minds because they are a " Conspiracy of Dunces"(to borrow a title).
      This did not play well in Brussels either.   Mr. Juncker says they will extend the Brexit date beyond March 29, but only if an agreement in Parliament is achieved by the 29th.  Ha.  Those economic cretins have the slimmest of possibilities of deciding when to use the Loo let alone a vote on the issue.
     PM May would do them right by resigning, but she has the people in mind; she assumed her role fully knowing its hazards v. rewards.  She will not resign; but she will stand as a stalwart against the pigheadedness she is confronted with members of Parliament.  She cannot take refuge in her own party, which is also confused; and the Labor Party in opposition has little to offer its own members either.
     The people continue to suffer as the UK slides toward inconsequents.

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