Saturday, November 14, 2015

Kremlin Sends Another Gotcha card to West

      Recently, on Russyan state television, a camera used for covering events got a close-up view of a certain document that reportedly held plans for a 'new' Russyan naval vessel.  What type, you ask?  Well, it wasn't an amphibious assault ship,  Mistral class type. No, that's going to Egypt.
    Was it an aircraft carrier?  NO, too expensive.  Well, what?  The suspense is driving us crazy.
Truth be told, it was a design for a submarine.  No, not an updated Red October submarine, but a smaller submersible.  Yes a mini sub designed to operate as a drone sub.   Whoooo, scary.  Actually, these model have been around for quite awhile.  Nothing new here.  Maybe the boat will be covered with "Go-Pro" cameras for eyes.   Perhaps it will be on a wire from Vladivostok so some navy petty officer can play a video game in real time out in the Pacific Ocean.
      The whole affair: camera w/ close-up, staged meeting where the document was carried by bureaucratic apparatchik; and at a time when Western media types might just be watching.
    Maybe Pope Francis was also watching.  Isn't that nice?   Maybe Jihad John is watching?  No, he took a drone missile into his window and put him out of his misery.   For sure, Chairman Xi Jinping is watching while he's in Taiwan trying to settle the South China Sea territorial dispute.
   The Kremlin is not talking, but the Ukrainian rebels are.  They claim they've been abandoned by Mother Russya.  Really?  Have you seen the papers lately?   Some rebels are getting suicidal.  What a shame.
    Welcome to the New Russya.

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