Monday, November 9, 2015

FSB: The New Olympic Lab Techs of Russyan Olympic Team

      Mr. Putin has some 'splaining to do.   A long awaited report was made public and official today.  It confirms what German sports officials have reported in the recent past: Russyan athletes have been doping before, and during competition at the Olympic Games.
      Reports include the story of one female athlete who paid a bribe to be included as a team member.  After she could no longer compete, the money was returned.  $350,000?   Hmmm.  Too much money floating around the Kremlin Krony Klub.  Seems like the FSB was also heavily involved-we know about Vova's attachment to all things FSB.
     So, all those Russyan track people and all those Russyan soccer players will be out of competition soon.  They broke the rules and now, unlike other Russyan law breakers, they will pay along with all the other Russyan athletes who live in the largest country in the world.   Why would the largest country in the world behave like this?  They don't know any other way?  They think they are smarter than Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck?
          Let's look at one of the perps: Grigory Rodchenkov.   He runs the laboratory that keeps doping samples for inspectors to monitor.   Not a bad job for a Kremlin Krony.  But wait, he destroyed the lab samples that were to be given to Olympic inspectors-1,417 of them.   Hmmm.  Is this the novorussya we've read about?   Or is this the old Russya, we've read about.  
      It was reported that FSB agents were disguised as lab techs at the Sochi Games last winter.   They were watching over all things regarding doping sample as regards to Russyan athletes.   Well, no surprises here.  We know what the Kremlin is like these days- trying too hard to regain perceived losses.  How sad; the poor Russyan peasants,the poor Russyan workers; the poor Russyan oligarchs.
Citizens of the largest country on earth deserve better.

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