Wednesday, May 31, 2023

South Africa Invites--------Putin!

       Can you imagine? A civilized country such as South  Africa inviting an international criminal to a hosted gathering of the BRICS? Hmmmm. The I.C.C. has issued a warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, aka Vova. He is charged with war crimes against civilians in Ukraine. The South African government has already taken flak over this invitation. Now Soth Africa has a record of ignoring international criminal warrants having refused action against one Al-Bashir 3 years ago.

     Ignoring this warrant would create significant turmoil among a divided population that has suffered recently with public charges against a former president for corruption. This public thrashing has been painful for all South Africans; and now, this meeting and its participants could add another  layer of unrest among the people of South Africa. Additionally, this well advertised gathering could attract certain groups who would do harm to such high level leaders. Security measures would have to include unprecedented numbers of police. What would happen if, say, teams of Ukrainian commandos interrupted proceedings? Hmm. Would Yevgeny Prighozin come to the rescue with 5,000 Wagner Group soldiers/mercenaries? No, he would send a couple of recruits with nothing better to do.

       Maybe the I.C.C.- Hague would send a some marshals to effect an arrest; probably not; bad form. My guess is Putin will have to decline because of pressing business at home in Moskva, picking out new wallpapers for the dacha, and working on a summer menu for his solstice party where his guest swill likely see the northern lights from the terrace.


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