Friday, December 25, 2020


TRPA, the Bi state agency, will host a zoom meeting on January 7th, to provide information on the Meeks Bay Plan which is currently in development. Thae last meeting in NOvember, generated a considerable amount of input from all interested parties, and the TRPA rescheduled a followup meeting to this week. The agency wants to hear from locals, so this is the time to speak up and be heard: it's your West Shore, and we can guide the future by actively participating in the process. Many aspects of the project have been considered, and many more could be addressed. Opinions can sway results,, now, before any actions take place. The problems are focused on the surrounding area of Meeks Bay and meeks Creek where it empties into the lake. It is the site of prievious recreational facilities, going back almost 100 years when a pier reached into the lake to provide a stop for lake boats bringing passengers to the West Shore, central. The Meeks bay Resort has been a Forest Service entity for many years since ownership passed from private hands to the Fed. government. Leases were let to operators to run the resort, and the native American tribal managers have been in charge during the past few seasons. The adjacent state campground on the south side of the creek has been a camping site for a number of years, and provides overnight guests and day use visitors access to the beach. On HIghway 89 at Meeks Bay are 2 fire houses: one from North Tahor Fire(year around), and the US Forest service(seasonal occupancy). Across the highway at this point is a trailhead for hiking access to the Desolation Wilderness, a mecca for high Sierra campers and hikers. All of these activities are under intense scrutiny at this time. The former boat harbor in the Meeks Creek basin has been shut down for 3 years after a certain level of pollution was found in the harbor and sources were not ascertained. The tribe did not spend money to do a study, and the situation is certain to limit any boaters to kayaks and canoes, and paddle boards. So,, there's quite an agenda for this week's meeting on zoom. One can sign up on the TRPA web site. Happy New Year Mayor of Tahoma

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