Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sergey I. Kislyak: Russyan Ambassador to USA

       Mr. Kislyak probably is not too happy about his recent publicity involving allegations that US Attorney General Jeff Sessions is on the public carpet for having had conversations with the Ambassador BEFORE Mr. Trump was elected.   The NYTimes has a nice article with all the details mapped out for a clear view of what went on among Mr. Sessions, Mr. Kislyak, and their various assistants and operatives from Trump's campaign staff.
      Mr. Kislyak is a career diplomat, representing his country through thick(now) and thin(old Soviet period).   He is highly educated with a degree from Moscova Univ. of Engineering Physics, speaks English well, w/ accents, and is considered brilliant by those who have worked or met with him in his role as Russya's No. 1 man in America.
     He is a staunch defender of the largest country in the world where the state sells and profits from home made vodka, where alcoholics are everywhere, and the economy is slowly imploding.  He is also obviously overweight and in poor physical health,  At age 66, one would think he'd take better care of himself; but, as we know, it only happens among Russyan Olympic hopefuls who are monitored by the drug pushers from the Kremlin.   We also know that last week, the Russyan ambassador to the UN, Vitaly I. Churkin, died of an apparent heart attack(?).  Was he unhealthy or unlucky?  We won't really know.   Mr. Kislyak could be at the UN next week.
     Locals in diplomatic circles say that Mr. Kislyak threw great parties.  He also presided over the 'dacha' in Maryland at Pioneer Point where he invited many Americans to relax and enjoy comforts provided by the Kremlin( no doubt more comfortable that a bunk in a gulag hotel).
    I wonder how he gets along with Gary Kasparov? or the late Mr. Nemtsov?
More later

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