Monday, November 30, 2015

Paris: Climate Change Meeting Brings 144 Heads of State

     Yes, Paris is back in the news.  A conference on climate change opened today with a very high level of security in place.   3,000 soldiers and police are on patrol and full alert as the world's leaders meet to discuss  on how to address the need of an action plan to cope with the future of a world that may be very different than the one we live in today.
     For the next two weeks, discussions will take place.
Stay tuned to Paris.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

High Flying Russyan Jet Shot Down

      Mr. Putin.  Mr. Putin, can you hear us?  We are Turks in Turkey.  We warned you about flying in our airspace.  Repeated violations cannot /will not be tolerated.   The old jet we shot down w/ its pilot was not authorized by us and was warned repeatedly.  You ordered him to violate our airspace.
     Horse on you; horse on him.   Maybe you will give him a proper burial; unlike the poor serfs who died fighting your efforts in Ukraine who you claimed to their families that they committed suicide.  So Russyan, so Putinist.
     Oh, yes, Turkey is a member of NATO- the classic Russyan "Bogeyman".   Now you can tell your house organs to spew some more blather to the serfs of Moscova, St. Petersburg, and Vladivostok(wherever that is).
     So, the largest country on earth continues on its pathetic path to irrelevance.
Now about that meeting with Iran's Ayatollah- did you discuss the price of oil with the old goat?  Or maybe you discussed how long you would support Al Assad and his Syrian madmen?  Cute photo of you two:  possible captions-
1. Did you smell that one? 
2. What should I do with Snowden?
 3. Where is Rezian and how long is he going to kept in Jail?
 4. What crime was he convicted for?  Secularism?  What you did is soooooo Russyan.  I like it.       
 5.  Reminds me of what I did with "Pussyriot".   Sorry, didn't mean to say the 'P' word.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Early Ski Season: OPenings

     Well, sports fans: snow is in the forecast.  Get those boards waxed and ready.  ^-8" at lakeside(Tahoma/Hwy 89).  Maybe 12" above 8000'.  Wouldn't that be nice.
     Thanksgiving week might just be the beginning of a real winter ski season.  With all the buzz about El Nino, we have come to expect big snow, heavy powder.   Ok.  Let's see it.
    For now, we'll take anything.   keep the chains and cables handy, look out for snow clearing equipment- give 'em a brake!

New President in Argentina

    Goodbye, Christina Kirchner, and good riddance.  Hello Mauricio Macri.  Now maybe there's some hope in Argentina.

Thanksgiving Week is Here

       The holiday season in America is just around the corner.  This week, we have Thanksgiving, when most of America is on the road.  Starting with the exodus from campus' across the country.  The little snivelers are coming home:  blurry eyed, overweight, hung over, stuffed with dirty laundry, out of condoms and birth control pills.  Ah, the holidays.
      Grandma takes center stage, as the offspring gather around the table to hear the stories at her knee.  Grandma, "What did you and Grandpa do during the War?  "  "What war, Darling?  Roosevelt's War?  Truman's War?   Johnson's War?  Bush 1's War?  Bush 2's War?  or Obama's non-War?   Be specific.
     Happy THanksgiving.

Russyan Women Win Big

      Calling all anti-dopers:  get your kits ready for a massive effort against another sweep by Russkies at the Speed Skating World Championships.   It's almost comical:  here WADA has suspended Russya's Track and Field team.  Then the board recommends all athletics be subject to the ban.   The, miracle of miracles, the speed skaters win everything.
     Hmmm.  Don't they read the papers?  Or do they only read Russya house organs, like Izvestia?  I'm sure the chemists in the Kremlin are laughing about the victory.  They think their dope will not be detected-they are so smart.
      How long before they are busted?  Tick,tick, tick..........

Who Turned Out the Lights in Crimea?

       Did Vova do it again?  That is, blow something up so he could claim a necessity for a crackdown, like he did in Moscova early in his takeover of the largest country in the world?  Well, over the weekend, two power lines and towers transport electricity to Crimea were destroyed, plunging the peninsula in darkness.  Hmmmm.  And why now, after a year of occupation by troops of the largest country in the world?
     Must be Mr. Putin wants to tell ISIS something.  Or Obama something.  Or Merkel something.  Or Erdogan something.
     Who suffers?  Ukraine's Crimeans, of course.
      Thank you, Mr. Putin, patron saint of the Hammer and Sickle Society.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

WADA Board Declares Russya Non Compliant

     Kirsty Coventry, 2-time gold medal swimmer said the investigation into Russyan doping should be expanded to all sports.  Ms. Coventry is a member of the WADA Foundation Board of Directors.   Russyan Natalia Zhelanova, adviser to Russya's sports minister, said the largest country in the world plans a close collaboration with WADA.
      Please, help me stop laughing.  The largest country in the world has a minor problem with the truth-always.  Yes, they say they plan to cooperate with the anti-doping overseers.  But, we know the reality:  deny, deny, deny; delay, delay, delay; obstruct, obstruct, obstruct; and of course,, threaten to pick up the game ball and go home.
     The body voted 22-1 to indefinitely suspend Russya's athletics federation.   So, there you have it.  Another external body declares the largest country in the world of being a fraud.  So, what else is new.  Why, oh, why do the citizens persist in bald-faced lying?  Vodka.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Brussels, Belgium: the New Target

     Well, the world is now aware of the expanding threat of jihadist terrorism abroad.  The mayor of Brussels has ordered sharp security measures within the last 24 hours as the security threat level was raised to the maximum.
       Subway service was completely shut down and closed off.  Citizens were advised not to congregate in groups or attend  public events where crowds might gather.  Military units wre called to the urban environment to provide extra protection against suicide bombers and attackers.
       After the terrorist actions in Paris 1 week ago, Western European governments are on high alert.
Given the flood of refugees and asylum seekers from the Middle East and North Africa, it is completely understandable that these precautions are taken.
      Diplomats  and Foreign service representatives are meeting to assess a response to these new developments as ISIS takes its murderous campaign beyond the borders of Arab countries and Islamic cultural centers in the Levant.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ia Drang Valley: Neil Sheehan, Nov. 15, 1965

Neil Sheehan photo Nov. 15, 1965
     Author, writer, reporter Neil Sheehan wrote a piece today(NYTimes) on the 50th anniversary of a sharp battle between the US Army's 1st Air Cavalry(air mobile)Div. and North Vietnamese Army regulars in a remote valley in the Annamese Mountains of Southeast Asia.  He was a much younger reporter for the NYT but had been covering the early years of US involvement for 3 years.  This story was prompted not only by the date, but also by the fact that 50 of his photographs of the event were recovered from old records.
        This battle was with a battalion-sized unit commanded by a Lt. Col.: Hal Moore,Jr.  A West Point grad with Korean War experience.  He knew his trade, but air mobile was a new concept, untried and unproven.  They learned many lessons over a few days that November, one in particular: it's not easy to resupply a unit that is physically remote from any base camp, and beyond all resupply routes.   The commanders went back to the drawing board after the Ia Drang battle.  The press distorted the story, calling it a clear victory.  But as Hal Moore pointed out in his book on the battle, it was a long way from victory.
     His story was the successful memoir, "We Were Soldiers Once, and Young".  It was well regarded, and made into a film of the same name.
     Just as historians are turning to the centennial anniversary of the Great War-World War 1, some historians are doing the same for Vietnam, as its 50th anniversary dates begin to click off the calendar.  The final sentence of the piece is telling: They, and so many others who fought in Vietnam, were as great as any generation that preceded them.  Their misfortune was to draw a bad war, an unnecessary war, a mistake by American politicians and statesmen, for which they paid."

Report From Brazil

      Our minister of Lain American Affairs gave a long report today on conditions in the southern hemisphere.  It seems that things are going well in his world-the world of international relations.  As Brazil ramps up for the Olympics(saw the first ad for the games during Sunday night football), locals are working hard to put their best foot forward in about 9 months(our summer, their winter).  Thier summer begins in about a month.  He expects really hot temps around Rio de Janiero.
      He's been giving us tips on the geography of Brazil:  just the size is hard to acknowledge: from north of the equator to Argentina, from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean.  That's a lot of real estate.  We have a standing invitation just in case we want to make a junket down south.  It could be a great learning experience.   He told us that there are 106,000 Americans living in Sao Paolo.   Many are expats, many are duals, and many have extensive family connections here and in the States.  It's amazing that so many Americans have set up households so far away.  What's the attraction?
     It's not just the beaches.   We'll have to find out in the next few years.

Book Review: "Christ Stopped at Eboli', by Carlo Levi, 1945

         Three years ago, the Mayor made a visit to southern Italy to experience that region that is seldom visited by tourists of any sort.   Even Northern Italians seldom visit the South.   Long viewed as a cultural outlier the provinces of Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia, and the Abruzzo were poor, sparsely populated, rugged, hot, and dry.   It was for these characteristics that Benito Mussolini sent his dissidents here into internal exile(confino).  After he became the Fascist leader dictator, his opponents were treated harshly using this method.   Author Carlo Levi was one of Mussolini's targets and sent into exile in a small village in the hills of Lucania(future Basilicata).   Two small towns were the exact locations of his time there: Grassano and Aliano.
     For  10 months, in the 1930's, Levi was under house arrest here, required to check in twice a day with the local mayor's office or Fascist representative.   These same people were also in exile in their own land: lost and forgotten be a remote government in Rome, and a prosperous but remote northern industrial Italy.   In 1936, when his exile was lifted, he left for France, but chose to return to Italy in 1943 when he was a wanted man.  He hid out in a friend's apartment in Florence where he wrote the book that became a classic.
      A doctor, Levi was sought out by local peasants who needed medical attention.  In time, he became the go-to health expert serving a wide community of agricultural folks bound to this unforgiving landscape where superstition and spirits substituted for knowledge and individual responsibility.  He compared the Fascists in Rome to the peasants of the South, pointing out their similarities: the Romans believing in the all powerful State and worshiping the absolutism of the state; and the peasants who lived " outside of time" in an animal-like collectivity, immersed in tribal rites and believing in witches.
      It has been 70 years since the book's publication, but it still matters.  As Italo Calvino remarked," A classic is a work which persists as background noise even when a present that is completely incompatible with it, holds sway."
     The world has changed in 70 years, but irrational thinking persists across the human landscape.  As Levi noted, this irrationality must be confronted, recognized in each of us, but be vigilant against it.

Lake Tahoe Weather ADvisory

     In addition to the snow levels of 3-5" at lake shore, a wind advisory for the Lake has been issued by NOAA for SE winds at 25-30mph for today, Sunday, November 15.   For those outdoor type around Tahoma, best to just look at the vistas near the Lake rather than venturing onto same-too much wind.
      Driving on Highway 89 could be a little dicey: with a light snow on the road, many drivers forget what can happen between the tire and the road surface-no contact!  Be attentive when out and about.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Kremlin Sends Another Gotcha card to West

      Recently, on Russyan state television, a camera used for covering events got a close-up view of a certain document that reportedly held plans for a 'new' Russyan naval vessel.  What type, you ask?  Well, it wasn't an amphibious assault ship,  Mistral class type. No, that's going to Egypt.
    Was it an aircraft carrier?  NO, too expensive.  Well, what?  The suspense is driving us crazy.
Truth be told, it was a design for a submarine.  No, not an updated Red October submarine, but a smaller submersible.  Yes a mini sub designed to operate as a drone sub.   Whoooo, scary.  Actually, these model have been around for quite awhile.  Nothing new here.  Maybe the boat will be covered with "Go-Pro" cameras for eyes.   Perhaps it will be on a wire from Vladivostok so some navy petty officer can play a video game in real time out in the Pacific Ocean.
      The whole affair: camera w/ close-up, staged meeting where the document was carried by bureaucratic apparatchik; and at a time when Western media types might just be watching.
    Maybe Pope Francis was also watching.  Isn't that nice?   Maybe Jihad John is watching?  No, he took a drone missile into his window and put him out of his misery.   For sure, Chairman Xi Jinping is watching while he's in Taiwan trying to settle the South China Sea territorial dispute.
   The Kremlin is not talking, but the Ukrainian rebels are.  They claim they've been abandoned by Mother Russya.  Really?  Have you seen the papers lately?   Some rebels are getting suicidal.  What a shame.
    Welcome to the New Russya.

Price of Oil Plunges: Producers Cry as They Keep on Pumping

      A glut of oil on the world market has driven prices lower as Russya and Saudi Arabia continue to increase production, hoping to grab market share from low volume producers and drive them out of the global marketplace.
     This does not bode well for nations heavily dependent on energy production for economic well being.   Russya is already in recession and the future is not looking good.  Why they just began a program to revitalize the old albatross, AEROFLOT, the state-owned airline that was the international model of how-not-to-run-an-airline.  The largest country in the world has been hit by sanctions from the US and European nations owing to its incursions and takeovers in Crimea and Ukraine.  Separatists rebels in Ukraine are looking weaker by the day as the Kremlin has changed focus from the Donbass to Syria where Mr. Putin wishes to prop up Al- Assad's regime by providing antique aircraft to bomb rebels seeking Assad's ouster.
      All of this resides in the shadow of the investigation that is ongoing after a bomb brought down a Russyan passenger plane with 224 on board as it returned to St. Petersburg from Sharm el- Sheik in Egypt last week.  Investigators have maintained a shroud of secrecy over findings in the crash.  Egyptian authorities say that the Russyan team has not been sharing information and removing evidence from the site without agreement among other teams involved.
     Hmmmmm.  Just Russyans being Russyan.  What about Kamchatka?  What about oil exploration in the Arctic where the Russyan exploration team actually planted a Russyan flag on the Arctic seafloor.  How childish; how petty; how Russyan.

Russya Tossed by I.A.A.F.'s Sebastian Coe

      The new president of the international body that manages world track and field, Sebastian Coe, suspended Russya from track and field on Friday, November 13th.  It is an unprecedented move on part of track's ruling body.   In a statement,  Mr. Coe said that "we discussed and agreed that the whole system has failed the athletes, not just in Russya, but around the world."  "This has been a shameful wake-up call, and we are clear that cheating at any level will not be tolerated."  The vote of the committee was 22-1 to suspend.   Mikhail Butov was allowed to speak to the committee, but not to vote.
     The 323-page W.A.D.A. report on MOnday laid out an extensive state-operated, state-sponsored doping program in the largest country in the world.  The report also stated that Russya should be suspended from the 2016 Games in Rio de Janiero, Brazil.   It also recommended that 5 Russyan athletes be barred for life, including gold medal winner, Mariya Savinova.   Five officials were also barred for life.
     News media were waiting outside the Kremlin for a response from the president's official spokesperson.
      " The situation (for) the Russyan National team is now very sad, but I ask you not to treat all the athletes in the same negative way," said Yelena Isinbayeva, a two-time Olympic champion in an open letter.
      Locals in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, were ecstatic on hearing that Russyans probably will be no-shows next year.  That frees up lots of hotel rooms and restaurants for better paying customers who spend more and tip better than the notoriously cheap Russyan tourist visitor.
     F.I.F.A., the international soccer governing body, is also considering sanctions against Russya teams.

Paris: The Terror Continues

       127 citizens were murdered in a Paris night club concert hall in the 11th District.   Gunmen entered the hall and began firing Kalishnakov rifles randomly at the crowd.  People were trapped and terrorized for hours before Parisian police swarmed the sight, killing several of the murderers.
      At the same time, a bomb was detonated outside a soccer stadium where a friendly match was underway.  President Hollande declared a national State of Emergency and closed the borders.  Greek authorities say one of the dead attackers passed through Greece this year and was from Syria.
      Much of Paris is closed at this moment as army forces patrol the city; and citizens are urged to stay indoors.
     ISIS has claimed responsibility.

Friday, November 13, 2015

EU Pays Turks

     Big payday for Turkey's Erdegan.  The EU Central bank will pay the Turkish government 3.5 billion Euros to help with the regfugee situation in that country.  They hope this will begin the process of slowing down the flow to Western Europe that threatens to overwhelm all the aid organizations there as they struggle with the influx of migrants from Syria and other parts of Middle East and North Africa.
     Yes, 3.5 billion Euros.   Not chump change.

What airline has a retro logo?

    What airline flies with a symbol of a hammer and sickle with wings painted on the fuselage?   Hmmmm?  Any guesses?
Answer:  Aeroflot.
     No it's not a joke.  Can you imagine; how silly of them.  But, hey, they're Russyan.
Let's conduct a survey of potential passengers on AEROFLOT.
1. How much would you be willing to pay for a ticket:
     a.  10 Euros, max.
     b.    4 roubles, max
     c.  Are you kidding me?
     d. none of the above
2.  How much vodka is consumed by Aeroflot maintenance crews?:
      a.  1/2 liter/day
      b.   1 liter/day
      c.   2 liters/day
      d.    As much as I can steal
      e.    none of the above
3.   Have you flown on Aeroflot before?
       a. Yes, once was enough
       b. Twice, because I'm not very bright
       c. I tried, but the plane never showed up at aeroport
       d. Are you kidding me?
4.    Would you recommend Aeroflot to friends?
       a.  Never
       b.  Only to my enemies
       c.  Only to people who work in Kremlin
       d.  Only to Chechens
       e. Only to  W.A.D.A. staff investigators
5.   Would you fly at night on Aeroflot
       a.  only if I was drugged
       b.  only if given a liter of vodka
       c.  only if I was the pilot
       d.  only if Putin was the pilot
       e.   only if Garry Kasparov was the pilot

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Veterans Day-2015

       President Obama gave a speech to a large crowd at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia yesterday, Veterans Day.   Mant active duty members of the armed services were in attendance.  Members of veteran's group such as VFW, American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, and AmVets were also well represented.
      As he has said on 7 other veterans Days, we as a country owe a lot to the men and women who have served their country in time of war.  He also acknowledged that the VA has fallen short of its goals to provide care for those veterans who need help after their service has been completed.  He emphasized the ongoing need to ensure that all veterans can find good care at any VA facility.
     It was one of Obama's best speeches since he took over the White House 7 years ago.

Russyan Dopers Celebrating

        Here they are: the happy-faced dopers celebrating at the London Olympic Games after a victory in the women's 800m race.  The smiles reflect the belief that nobody will know they doped.  But, alas, they have been exposed, finally.   A victory for the 'good guys' and a bust for the black-hatted Kremlinocrats.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Russyan Doping Fallout Continues

      Let the medals be awarded to those athletes who competed WITHOUT DOPING.   Yes, it seems there will be a reassignment of Olympic Medals soon.  Russyan competitors will have their awards revoked.  These awards will then be given to those competitors who placed 4th, 5th, and 6th in some events.   Better late than never.  
     Oh, the shame of Mr. Putin's presidency.  The head of the Russyan Athletic Group has resigned.  It seems that a German investigative report and film was aired in December last where Russyan athletes admitted on camera to doping.  Hmmm.  Where are they now?  Murmansk?  Ukraine?  Sharm?  After a careful investigation, the report came out that verified not only what the athletes saud on camera, but also the complicity of leaders of the scheme, including staff of Vlad's own FSB Kremlinocrats.
This from the largest country in the world; making its citizens feel small, again.  Is it the water they drink?  Or the vodka the Kremlin sells/pushes?
Sad, really.

Portugal Calling

      Since our Minister of Latin American Affairs is fluent in Portuguese, we Tahomans have an interest in things Portugal.  Well, today, we must observe a change in government in the sovereign state of Portugal.  What's going on?  Seems the anti-austerity group is causing a stir, so the government resigned.   Elections?  Of course, that will take some time.  Maybe after the New Year.
More later, stay tuned.
     Our Minister says Brazilians don't really follow Portuguese politics: they have enough to follow at home.  Yes, sir.  He's right about that, given the Petrobras scandal; the Olympics infrastructure race-to-completion.  Then, there's the mining company dam break that inundated a village.  My, oh, my.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Russyan Olympians Demand Answers

        Now that the Pandora's Box of Horrors has been opened, the Kremlin's Office of Truth and Honesty has been besieged by requests from all corners of the largest country on Earth.  The athletes, who in many cases receive state support, want to know what the future holds for their chances of competing in RIO next year(site of next Olympiad games).
      So, the Kremlin's task is :"how to formulate another lie that looks like, smells like, and sounds like the truth" when it really is not the truth, not a fact, and not real at all.   In other words, it's business as usual for the Kremlinocrats of Uncle Vlad's Flying Lying Machine.
Leader of Largest Country on Earth

     They have been busy lately putting some spin on Crimea and the illegal takeover there by Russyan troops.   They've also been busy spinning a few yarns about Ukraine and Russya's dealing with rebels in the Donbass of eastern Ukraine where there seems to be a large amount of industrial production that could add to the anemic GDP of the Kremlin account.   Then there is Syria, where Russya's obsolete air force has been bombing targets picked by Al-Assad's military punks who claimthey are worthy military targets and not really the homes of average Syrian citizens who can't flee the turmoil and head to Western Europe where most Russyans would like to flee.  Now they, the Kremlin spinners, must put a little more spin in Syria as the US has the beginnings of an aerial warfare campaign in progress against the daesh or ISIS.
        The largest country in the world is lead by the disillusioned remnant of the old Soviet system when the citizens were told how to behave, or else.  (see Gulag Archipelago, wikipedia).   Just yesterday, the Kremlinocrats came out with an acknowledgement that there, perhaps yes, a bomb on the aircraft that blew apart while returning to St. Petersburg from Sharm in Egypt with 224 passengers on board.   This admittance was obviously timed to coincide with the release of the doping report on Russyan Olympians.   Now the World Cup venue scheduled for Russya may be in jeopardy, too.
       The turmoil at F.I.F.A. will not enhance the future location decisions of the recent past, given allegations of bribes changing hands among sport officials on both sides of the deal.
Ahhhhhh, Russya.   Where is Sergei Lapdog when you need him?

Monday, November 9, 2015

FSB: The New Olympic Lab Techs of Russyan Olympic Team

      Mr. Putin has some 'splaining to do.   A long awaited report was made public and official today.  It confirms what German sports officials have reported in the recent past: Russyan athletes have been doping before, and during competition at the Olympic Games.
      Reports include the story of one female athlete who paid a bribe to be included as a team member.  After she could no longer compete, the money was returned.  $350,000?   Hmmm.  Too much money floating around the Kremlin Krony Klub.  Seems like the FSB was also heavily involved-we know about Vova's attachment to all things FSB.
     So, all those Russyan track people and all those Russyan soccer players will be out of competition soon.  They broke the rules and now, unlike other Russyan law breakers, they will pay along with all the other Russyan athletes who live in the largest country in the world.   Why would the largest country in the world behave like this?  They don't know any other way?  They think they are smarter than Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck?
          Let's look at one of the perps: Grigory Rodchenkov.   He runs the laboratory that keeps doping samples for inspectors to monitor.   Not a bad job for a Kremlin Krony.  But wait, he destroyed the lab samples that were to be given to Olympic inspectors-1,417 of them.   Hmmm.  Is this the novorussya we've read about?   Or is this the old Russya, we've read about.  
      It was reported that FSB agents were disguised as lab techs at the Sochi Games last winter.   They were watching over all things regarding doping sample as regards to Russyan athletes.   Well, no surprises here.  We know what the Kremlin is like these days- trying too hard to regain perceived losses.  How sad; the poor Russyan peasants,the poor Russyan workers; the poor Russyan oligarchs.
Citizens of the largest country on earth deserve better.

Book Review: Crossing to Safety, Wallace Stegner

       A novel of friendship, beginning to end.  Author Stegner creates a novel with roots in his own academic experience as a professor.  His informed position infuses the story of two professors, struggling in academia against the odds of being named a full professor, a tenured professor, a peer recognized writer, and a husband and friend.
     Stegner is one of the most successful writers when it comes to informing readers of his character's thinking, and how the character can navigate issues informed by lesser characters in the novel.  Here we have these two couples, from different backgrounds, who genuinely take to each other despite their differences.  The four are like pieces of a larger puzzle: separately, they appear confusing, distorted, and isolated; however, when assembled together, they make a perfect fit, and are complete.
      The timeline followers their movements, their careers, their families, their personal developments and physical ailments.  At the end, as one of the principle characters nears her death, much is wrapped up for the 4 lives that the reader was involved with over the years in the book's timeline.  Stegner is a master of his craft, and his art worth the effort for all readers.
Mayor's 5 star rating*****

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Obama Hosts Israeli Premier

     Benjamin Netanyahu will be in Washington tomorrow for talks with Pres. Obama.  The No.1 issue will be the terms of the recent Iran Nuclear Agreement, and military support for Israeli defense forces.  The US contributes over 3 billion a year currently, and it is believed that the Israeli premier will ask President Obama for 5 billion a year for the next 10 years.
      This comes amid concerns about recent violence in Israel caused by Palestinian extremists who have attacked Israeli civilians and police personnel without provocation.  Many of the assailants were shot dead by Israeli army personnel; a number of Israelis were murdered during the attacks.
     Recent remarks by Iran's Supreme Leader have not been encouraging as it appears the mullahs do not like the terms of the nuclear deal nor do they particularly care for the US, in any form.
     Mr. Netanyahu will also seek assurances that the US will continue its support of the Isaeli democracy, especially in light of the ongoing Syrian civil war and the rise of the daesh or Islamic State(ISIS).   The civil war, now in its 5th year, has been the root cause for the massive migration of refugees and asylum seekers in the West, the largest since WW II.
     Meanwhile,  Sec. of State John Kerry, will return to Vienna to continue talks on a resolution to stop the hostilities in Syria that has already cost the lives of over 200,000 personnel, military and civilians.   

Snow on the Ground

     Check out the site to see the white stuff as it falls on the West Shore.  It looks good, and the resort operator is holding a job fair for the upcoming season which could be the best in 4 years.
     Get moving, job seekers, now is the moment.

Minister Meets Marines

      Our indefatigable Minister in Latin America was a guest of the the US Marines in Brazil this weekend.  Yes, at a birthday party where attendees wore uniforms of all types, our Minister appeared in semi-formal attire in a group of local civilians who shared the party atmosphere.
     Good food and live music were on hand and reports are that all who attended enjoyed the festivities immensely.  While we have not heard of specific details, we Tahomans can anticipate all details w/i a week's time.
     Bravo, Mr. Minister.  Was he recruited by the organization?  That remains to be seen.
More later.

Oligarch Down: Washington, DC

       Another Putinista is down and out.   It was a rough weekend in DC.  Mikhail Lesin, age 59, was found DOA  in a posh hotel in Washington's Dupont Circle neighborhood, in the vicinity of Embassy Row.  Initial reports indicate he may have had a cardiac infarction.   Given his age, he fit the perfect demographic for such an event.  This is a very common occurrence here in the US and other Western nations.   However, given the subject person, one must consider outside influence as a possibility.
      Let's look at Mr. Lesin's resume:  associate of Vladimir Putin;  owner of millions of dollars of real estate in Los Angeles, California; subject of a US Senate inquiry by Sen. Roger Wicker(R) of Mississippi; head of Gazprom Media, the largest media holding company 2013(resigned in 2014); helped establish Russya Today aka RT, the propaganda arm of Putin's Kremlin Krony Klub; designer of the Russyan government's takeover of independent media; and, of course, consumer of copious amounts of state-supplied vodka.
       A spokesman from the Russyan Embassy in Washington, a Yury Melnik, identified the corpse as that of Mr. Lesin.  The English language state run media outlet reported the heart attack story.  Let's assume that as a story with a back story.
       So, we have another sordid report of a former insider, now a corpse, who left town(Moskova) and turned up dead.  What will the FSB report to the Kremlin?  The usual -Mission Accomplished.
The investigation will probably turn up a gang of Chechens running loose around Dupont Circle in Washington, chasing oligarchs into their hotel rooms, seeking safety where there is none.  By the way, how is the Nemtsov investigation going? (27/2/15-Moskova drive-by shooting).
       Welcome to the modern day Kremlin.   How long will Al Assad hold up?

Saturday, November 7, 2015

South China Sea: Unexpected Visitor

      The US aircraft carrier is cruising near the island of Borneo, that large tropical island that is home to volcanoes, lush jungle, a variety of animal life unique to the locale, and not a few earthquakes.  It also acts as an impediment to direct access to Australia and Indonesia.   Some geographers even say it borders the South China Sea, an arm of the Pacific, really.   Northwest is Asia-China, etc.  Northeast is the Philippine Islands, thousands of them.  A little further on, the Island nation of Japan.  In between, the above labelled sea, harbors great distances of covering ocean that conceals hidden shoals, sea mounts with abundant wash rocks and outcrops.
      International Rules of the Sea maintain this area as international waters not subject to the claims of any sovereign nation.   Recently, the government of Communist China has laid claim to a few rocks, formerly submerged, now emergent.   This action does not sit well with the Philppines government; the government of Vietnam; the Government of the Republic of China(Taiwan); Malaysia; Thailand;Brunei; and the United States.
     What could possibly be the problem?   Oil and natural gas deposits we suspect.   One island group, the Spratly Islands seem to be causing most of the concerns.   They are located west of Palawan Is. , one of the Philippine Islands.   They are a cluster of exposed seamount tops that are formed by geologic extensions of Borneo.
          The carrier, USS Theodore Roosevelt is steaming with its group through the Palawan Passage on the eastern edge of the South China Sea.   The Secretary of Defense of the US, Ashton Carter, landed on the deck of the carrier today.   This marks an impressive moment in US/China relations.  Since the Chinese military began building a base  here, the other surrounding nations looked to the US to do something about the aggressive behavior of China throughout the area.   Air traffic controls in the area were announced by China.  Then the construction of an airfield was observed.  Confrontations with fishing vessels of several nations were counted in the last year.
     Perhaps good guy Pres. Xi needs a lesson in geopolitics.  He's getting it, right now.   Maybe Pres. Obama seemed too distant and preoccupied with ISIS in Iraq and Afghanistan; and Syria, too.   Don't look now, but Xi & Co. are on Obama's radar screen.
     Thank you, Sec. Carter.  Now pay attention Mr. Xi.

Justin Trudeau, Canadian PM

      There's a new sheriff in town, the town being Ottawa, across our northern border.  The young man, of the Liberal party, was elected last week in a stunning victory.
     Congratulations to the new PM, son of the former PM, the late Pierre Trudeau, not a favorite of US politicians, but the PM who kept the nation from fragmenting into a French-speaking Quebec, and an English speaking remainder.   The remainder would probably have been absorbed by the US and Quebec by France.  Charles DeGaulle was invited to Canada at the time, but did not go to Ottawa as protocol would have, but went to Montreal, Quebec.   He was invited to leave Canada by the French-speaking Trudeau.  DeGaule left.

Minister of Latin American Affairs Update

     It has been busy down south in Brazil.  Our Tahoma man on the ground is very busy, examining all facets of Brazilian affairs for his assignment.   News here indicates more trouble at state -runoil giant, Petrobras.   Involvement of politicians gets more scrutiny.   On top of this, a remote mining operation had one of its holding dams let go and wipe out a rural community in Minas Gerais state north of SaoPaolo.   Several residents are missing and believed lost.   The operation is owned by BHP/Billitin a foreign owned company.   A spokesperson said the company complied with all regulations.  Locals said they have been making claims the sight was unsafe and poorly managed.
     Next year, in Brazil, the IOC will hold the 2016 Olympiad-the Games.  It's a big deal, given the billions spent in preparation: venues, hotels, highways, and other infrastructure projects ahead of the 2 week period of the games during the southern winter.   Our Minister expects to be very busy as he helps out with American visitors who arrive in Brazil to participate and observe the Games.
     The Mayor is contemplating a visit down south in the spring for an on site visit to see if he can recommend the games as an appropriate destination for Tahomans next year.
    Watch for follow up information.

Welcome to Soviet Russya, Ca. 1971

      I hate to bring up old news/old stories, but I read a good one about a diplomat's experience when he was first posted to Russya for our Dept. of State.  As the story goes, in his own words, he and his wife and 2 children were housed in an apartment(8th fr) and getting settled in one night.  He had just received delivery of his personal automobile which was parked on the street in front of the building.  At 2 o'clock in the morning, he heard a ruckus from the street below.  When he looked down from the balcony, he witnessed 3 men smashing his car with crowbars and hammers.  All the windows broken out, hood smashed in, doors dented, trunk smashed.   When he went down to the street, the 'perps' were gone.   A colleague(naval attache) joined him and they went to the local police.   There he saw the vehicle parked used by the smashers to come and go!   He reported the incident to the on duty policeman.   His response:  " These things do not happen in Russya. There are no hooligans in Russya. Therefore, it did not happen.  You have made a mistake.  Goodbye."
      So, like any good red-blooded American, he went to the New York Times and his story was published on the front page(also, Washington Post).  He was then admonished by his superiors who then refused to compensate him for his losses.   General Motors, maker of his auto, assisted admirably by shipping parts that some how got through to him and repairs were made.  This incident did not help Richard Nixon's presidency much at all.  
     The incident had another back story: after the NYT article was published, Mr. Evans received a late night caller at his apartment- a stunning 20-something blonde woman who invited him out for a tryst at 2am.   She said she was accompanied by another young lady who would also participate.  He declined, and slammed the door in her face.   She and her 'friend' did not come back.   He rightly assumed the friend was one of the perps who would have given him a thrashing much like they did his auto.
That was almost 42 years ago.   What's changed in Russya? Not much. 

Russya's Dilemma in Sinai

      So, Mr. Putin decided to cancel airline flights to southern Egypt.  Quite a few Russyan tourists are now stranded there, after one of the tourist flights crashed in the Sinai desert killing all on board last week.  Quite a few British tourists are also stranded, but the Brits' PM, David Cameron, is going about the business of bringing them home(sans luggage).
      Mr. Putin has investigators on the scene, along with Egyptian and British teams who were accompanied by UN investigators.   The black boxes have been recovered; sounds of an explosion have been recorded.   No definitive cause has been identified.
      Welcome to the Middle East, Mr. Putin.   This incursion has come at a higher price than Mr. Putin has been asked to pay in Ukraine or Crimea.  He wants to raise awareness of Russya's international profile.  "Mission Accomplished", Vova.  Now all Russyans know about your new 'higher' profile".  Hmmmm?  How about the grieving families in St. Petersburg, where the tourists lost were from?  How do their families feel about your 'higher' profile?
     45,000 Russyan tourists need a ride home.  Maybe they can join the hoards fleeing your efforts in Syria to help your client, Mr Al-Assad?   Perhaps they can pay a smuggler for a ride on a donkey to Sevastopol in Crimea, then home to St. Petersburg?  Or a canoe ride across the Bosporus to Turkey, then a bus to Moscova, then a cab to St. Petersburg?   Maybe then they would be home to paradise on the Baltic.
      Has the FSB given their preliminary report to the Kremlin?  Or are they overwhelmed?  Call the FBI, they have all the information you will need to make your "informed" decision".
     Welcome to the Middle East, Vova.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Diplomat: Richard Holbrook

     A new documentary has come out on the life of career diplomat Richard Holbrook.   The film, showing on HBO, was produced by his son, David Holbrook.  Richard Holbrook started his career in the Foreign Service in 1963 when he was sent to Viet Nam to look at conditions and report back to Washington's Robert McNamara and Co.
     His career stretched on for over 45 years until he died in 2011 of an aortic anuerysm.  He is noted for his efforts to negotiate an end to the war in Bosnia when Bill Clinton was in the White House.
more later

Training new Red patriots: LA Times, Friday, Oct. 23rd,'15

     In a piece by reporter Carol Williams in the Los Angeles Times, the current Russyan mentality is exposed as a play on phony patriotism and love of fatherland.  Sounds a bit creepy to me.
      Clubs are popping up in various cities in Russya dedicated to fostering patriotism and love of fatherland.  One such is called OUR ARMY.  Iinvolves youths ages 13 to 18 years old.  In the evening, youths undergo physical fitness training and instruction that give them a taste of military discipline, which is compulsory at age 19 in Russya.   This activity tries to put the happy face on recent Russyan military incursions in Crimea, Ukraine, and now Syria.   Let us not forget what happened to Russya's invasion of Afghanistan 30+ years ago.  Probably one of the leading causes of the end of the Soviet system of control.
      Why do citizens of the largest country in the world feel so small?  So hemmed in by Europe, China, Scandinavia, the Baltics, and the Arctic Ocean?  Is it the vodka that destroys so many Russyan brain cells that they cannot recognize geopolitical realities?   In an old building of stucco, one finds the HQ of the Volunteer Society for Cooperation with Air Force, Army, Fleet.   Igor Filimonov describes the ascendant youth clubs as a revival of proud tradition.  Ha.
      This brings to mind the "youth clubs" of the '30's in Berlin and throughout the lands annexed by another land grabbing dictator who lead his country to ruinous defeat(s).
      Outside of MOscova at the former "Young Pioneers Palace" Olga Korovatskaya schedules facilities for 80 youth groups vying for use of gyms, soccer pitches, and running track ovals.  She says Vladimir Putin is a star in the eyes of Russyan youth.  This past summer, the Russyan Dept. of defense was put in charge  of uniting the pre-service prep schools and pledge millions in funding for the youth groups.   Lovely, just lovely.
       Can you imagine this happening outside the largest country in the world?   What if Germany started training their youth in weaponry, parachuting, and physical fitness?  The UN would probably step in.   What if China started paramilitary training among disaffected youth(males) along the border of the largest country in the world?   Hmmm.  The UN Security Council would vote to ignore this-w/ no votes by Russya and China.
       So, the largest country in the world is gearing up for patriotism, again.   What is the saying about patriotism and refuge?   Critics of the Kremlin see ominous echoes of World War II fascism in the rising popularity of the youth groups.   Raeding books about Italy and Russya in the '20's and 30's gives a picture of the state of  Russyan society today., says Maxim Trudolyubov, a scholar at the Wilson Center in Washington and editor at large of the independent daily Vedomosti in Moscova.
       Maxim refers to Umberto Eco's 1995 treatise on the 14 features of "Ur-Fascism", among them the 'cult' of tradition, rejection of modernism and everyone being taught to become a hero.
      " Russya has every single one of these features in place," says Trudolyubov.
      Welcome to the largest country in the world, circa 2015.  

Monday, November 2, 2015

World Series: It's Over 2015

     Kansas City can hit the streets- the Royals pulled off a late inning rally to win game 5 in dramatic fashion.  Down 2-0 going into the 9th inning, the Royals got 1 run to start, and then another to tie the game and send it into extra innings.  The Mets then proceeded to wallow in their grief until the 12th inning when the wheels fell off the Mets pitchers.   One after the other tried and failed to stem the tide. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 runs put the KC team in front 7-2.  That would do it as the Mets dissolved into a defeated bunch of hopefuls and the Royals, after 30 years were the new MLB champs.
Next year.

Isabel Allende: Author

   The WSJ did a nice piece on a Bay Area resident-Isabel Allende, the prolific writer whose success has inspired thousands of women writers around the globe.  She is generous with her time, and has been instrumental is providing direction for writers of all stripes in california where she has lived for many years.
     The article, an edited interview, offers continued insights into her methods, her creativity, and her inspirations.   She tells the story of how she received the idea of the story used in her book,  The Japanese Lover.  She was walking with a friend in New York City when the friend mentioned that her mother had a Japanese gardener who was her best friend for 40 years.  And Isabel said, "Ok, maybe they were lovers".  "Why would you think that?", said her friend.  "Of course I thought that!"  And that became the book.
      She has had a difficult year with a divorce, a new home, smaller; and dealing with an aging parent like so many of her contemporaries.   She also added that she and her Mother write letters everyday, and she, Isabel saves them all and has been for years.   A life's record.

Real Snow: Yea!

       Yes, it is the real thing: gently falling snow flakes, painting the landscape we all know so well-the vivid whitewash of alpine dust.  Snowmobilers are taking off the covers, checking fuel tanks.  Ski shop owners are displaying faint but true smiles.  Cal Trans says yes, warm up the plows.  Highway workers are dusting off the insulated overalls.
      Winter is a comin'.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

What is a Seiche?

     It's Swiss, a seiche refers to a seismic event that features large waves.  What happens in an enclosed body of water after an earthquake?  It shakes(sounds like saysh).  So the eggheads in Sacramento decided that we here at Tahoe have to know about a seiche.   Actually, geologists have known for years that a seismic event long ago in geologic time occurred in the basin and caused a terrific land form failure near Homewood and McKinney Bay.  The event was spawned by a seiche that followed an earthquake.  The wave ricocheted back and forth across the lake and eventually portions of the west shore gave way and slid into what is now lake shore.  Research has outlined the material which slid into the lake basin.  It's impressive in size and scope despite being well below the lake surface.  Submersibles have taken pictures of the debris field with cameras and video.
     So, now we know about the seiche.  Thank you to Swiss geologists and Sacramento's Cal Fire, and of course, local taxpayers who sent their checks to Jerry Brown and the Tax and Spend unicameral legislature run by your favorite Democrats who refuse to look in the mirror and point fingers.
     Advice offered by Cal Fire in case of seiche:
    1.  Move to higher ground
    2.  If your home is near the lake, move away from doors and windows; don't go outside.
    3.  If ordered to evacuate, don't waste time.


Snow in Forecast

residential guide for Tahomans 2015
      Tahoma residents will see some of the white stuff falling tomorrow: not much, but the real thing.  NOAA says maybe 1-3" over 24 hours, hardly enough to get excited about and hardly enough to warrant snow plows and sand trucks.   But, it serves to place the basin on notice that winter is almost here.   Today is the first day of the seasonal return to Pacific Coast Time from daylight savings time.  Fall-Back.
      It will be darker earlier tonight, so find a comfortable spot to watch a great NFL matchup  of undefeated 7-0 teams: Green Bay v. Denver, Aaron Rodgers v. Payton Manning.  Should be worth the effort.
    Getting back to the long range forecast, the outlook is dry and cool for the next 15 days.  This is typical autumn weather in these parts and can be accompanied by chilling winds.   Things can change suddenly; plan accordingly.

    Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Guide
     Have you received your homeowners' guidebook for emergency planning?   Get right down to your PO Box and pick it up.  It's free, courtesy of Cal Fire, the large Sacramento-based tax eating machine that lives on the blood of local tax payers.  I say this because Tahoma residents are taxed an extra $150/ year to fund fire prevention efforts across the entire state in addition to taxes sent to North Tahoe Fire and Meeks Bay Fire Dist.   It's all a bit ridiculous.   Just look at the information: packaged in a vinyl bag, it touts in bold graphics that all outdoor fires are prohibited during fire season.
      As one unfolds the contents, one sees a map with evacuation routes along Highway 89 and Highway 28.  If you reside in Homewood, you can go either north to I -80 or south to Hwy 50.  In addition, as one continues to unfold the insert, basic information is laid out describing what is recommended in case of: 1) avalanche, 2) flooding, 3) tsunami, 4) earthquake, 5) wildfire.
     For Tahomans, the wildfire presents the most serious threat.  Surrounded by national forest and left with 1 highway escape route, timely warnings are the key to a safe exit.  However, very little information is given in the brochure.   The suggestions include levels of evacuation orders: voluntary, and mandatory.  Also the words precautionary and immediate threat may be used locally.  Needless to say, from experience recently near Markleeville, residents are reluctant to leave.
     So, how much did the brochure cost us?   Good luck finding the answer to that one.  Keep it handy for your AirBnB guests who don't know 80 from 50 or north from south.  It might come in handy during a seiche(pronounced say-'sh).
More later

World Series: 2015- Winding Down

      So, sports fans, have you seen enough of the Mets?  Are you ready to crown the Kansas City ROYALS the new World Champs?  Game 5 will be played out in New York City today and despite losing 3 of 4 already, the Mets may surprise us all.  They have talent, experience, and even more potential than has been recently displayed.   But after last year's defeat at the hands of the San Francisco Giants in Game 7, the Royals can taste the trophy and all its rewards.
       The Series has not been as popular as some in the past which reflects attitudes jaded by conflicting loyalties among followers of NFL football and NBA basketball, all currently engaged in league competition.  Throw in the Rugby World Championships(Australia v. New Zealand), a little golf, The Breeder's Cup and the finale of Triple Crown winner American Pharoah, and you have the makings of divided interest and lackluster support.
      The Mets player, Dan Murphy, the record breaking home run hitter in the playoffs, has not hit a one in the Series and added a crucial error last night that spelled the doom of the contest in the late innings.   
      So goes baseball, a sport played at a leisurely pace that harkens back to a different time before statistics were everything and the numbers were king.   Maybe one could say before technology took over the game.  Reminds me of a recent film by Clint Eastwood,  Trouble With the Curve(Warner Bros., 2012).  Eastwood played the role of the aging baseball scout whose eyes were failing and the home office began to doubt his decisions.  Younger upstarts claimed he no longer could pick future major leaguers, he didn't  understand the numbers.   Perhaps he didn't, but he still knew the game, and with the help of his daughter, played by Amy Adams, and another scout and ex-pitcher, Justin Timberlake, they helped 'Gus' regain his dignity with a new contract.
     So, if this is not the year of the Mets, they will come back next year guided by the GM Sandy Alderson, former Marine combat officer and former GM of the Oakland A's.

Passenger Plane Goes Down in Sinai Desert

      A Russyan airliner with 220 passengers on board crashed in the Sinai Desert Saturday, killing all on board.  The in- flight recorders have been recovered by Egyptian authorities who arrived at the site within hours.  There was no indication of trouble when the crew communicated with controllers right before disappearing from radar contact.
      The wreckage was found in a remote area that is uninhabited between Egypt and the Israeli border to the east.  Already, the Islamist State has claimed responsibility.  However, this claim is unfounded and lacks any verifiable cause.  
     The plane carried Russyans home from holiday at a Red Sea resort area and was bound for St. Petersburg on the northwest coast of Russya, on the Baltic.   Who will lead the investigation has not been determined; whether Egyptian, Israeli, or Russyan or some composite group of experts remains an open question.   certainly, Russyan politicians will look closely at the causes due to the recent military activities in Syria in support of Bashar al Assad's regime fight against rebels in his country, or what's left of it after 4 1/2 years of civil war. 

Putin: The Answer MAN.

    It's that time of the year folks: Czar Putin goes on the airwaves to talk at his people and answer their many questions to the best ...