Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Movie Review: Inside Llewyn Davis

       The Coen Brothers are at it again.  What is it?  Well, their reputation is based on "new" cinema and all its ramifications.  They have had several winners in the recent past.  But now, it's different.  Somehow they got a script they couldn't resist.  A film based on the brief week or so in the life of an aspiring folk singer circa 1961.  No doubt the Coens figured they could wing it on the period.  After all, what was so special about 1961?  New US president(JFK), no wars in progress(w/ US involvement), no Beatles, Elvis, Sinatra comeback, Lawrence Welk on TV.
     But they find Llewyn Davis an intriguing character for a film.  Come on.   Are you nuts?   Oh, the critics liked it?  Sorry, it's a big fat LOSER.  Even with a character played by John Goodman in a role as a big fat loser.
      Don't waste your money on this big fat loser.
Rating: No Stars at all.  None. Zilch.-Loser

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