Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas: Done

    The tree is gone!  That great moment(process) that signals closure: the take down of the holiday icon-the Christmas tree- marks the end of that season, the one we enjoy(most of the time) as we pay homage to our youth, our parents, and our family.  
    This season was especially enjoyable as far flung children returned to the nest for more than a few hours.  It was great having everybody "home" for the holidays, to watch them all interact and catch up.   We did dinners together, went to the movies together, cooked special foods, watched sports and videos together, played with our  RC helicopters, played with the dog, put together a jigsaw puzzle, played cards, and hosted a poker night(4th Annual).
     Much wine was sampled and discussed, including the Mayor's Own, which will not be ready for some months to come.  The matriarch of the clan showed up and added to the overall good feeling.  Long lost nieces and nephews arrived beside aunts and uncles.
     A good time was had by all.
     Through all this time, the normal weather pattern-cold, wet windy days- gave way to warm sunny days, allowing all types of outside activities.   It seemed like Arizona or Palm Springs, anything but Northern California.  Maybe we'll see some winter soon, maybe not.
     Lots of reading material was unwrapped and now is stacked up, waiting to deliver.  It will be dealt with shortly.

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