Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014-A New Year

       Let's start the new year off right: blog from the start!  No wasted days and no delays.  Blog until you can't see straight.  That's the motto for 2014.  No slack.  When in doubt, blog.
     Another beautiful  day in NorCal.  A high pressure system is hatching all of Northern California.  The results speak for themselves: offshore breezes, wispy high clouds, and above average temperatures across the board.
      Went to the airport, again, yesterday.  The Minister of Latin American Affairs is heading back to his HQ in Wash, DC.  He enjoyed his West Coast visit and survived all the meetings, conferences, and seminars discussing all the current events in Central and South America.  Topics included inflation in Argentina(52%); inflation in Venezuela(54%0; election of Pres. Batchelet in Chile; upcoming Olympics in Brazil; the upcoming World Cup competition in Brazil; and the opening of investment in Mexico's oil industry(absent for many years.
      We had a working breakfast with a group leader who leaves tomorrow for a trip to Cuba with a team of young athletes who had hoped tp play some baseball while on the island.   It may  or may not happen.  Complications arose after Us President Obama shook the hand of Raul Castro in South Africa at the funeral of Nelson Mandela.  Not easy on the international political scene.  The goodwill tour will also visit the Dominican Republic and will definitely play some ball.
      The Minister outlined his agenda for 2014, which included numerous trips down south, extensive research in Washington, and pointed out that he may join the US Dept. of State diplomatic corps to further his opportunities as Minister of LA Affairs of Tahoma.  This bodes well for the international affairs dept. of Tahoma, always an important part of local civic affairs.
    2014 looks like it will be another busy year for our representative.

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