Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Trump : Taxpayer or Tax Cheator

        Congress declared that Trump's tax returns can be shared with the public. Even Vladimir of Kremlin fame can find out how much his Bro paid. During his tenure on Pennsylvania Avenue, he paid $1,000,000 in income taxes. In 2020, he paid :Z-E-R-O! Did you pay any taxes, my friend? I did, as did most citizens of the village of Tahoma on Lake Tahoe's West Shore. We work, we pay taxes. Helps the community survive cold winters, etc.

      Trump doesn't pay because he doesn't think he should. Republicans don't think they should have to pay. Corporations don't pay, enough. But that's different. Oh, no. Chief Justice John Roberts says corporations are people(see Citizens United decision). So, corporations are treated the same, helps the bottom line. Now we all have the opportunity to dissect Trump's financial life. And probably his family, too. We know a lot, but now we'll know what we didn't know-the curtain has been pulled back to reveal all to the world. Wizard of Mar-A-Lago? Or the Thief of Mar-A-LAgo? We'll find out thanks to I.R.S. sleuths.

Have a nice day, trumpy.

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