Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Russyan Lap Dog Visits Africa

       Russyan Foreign Minister Sergay Lavrov, has been on a swing trip through many African countries. He's attempting to sow doubts among these countries as to whom is to blame for the dearth of food shipments since Russya invaded Ukraine. He points to the United States as the ultimate culprit. Of course, local leaders listen, but with their fingers crossed behind their backs. Additionally, Lavrov tells folks that Russya has never been a colonizer unlike those Western European states that ran roughshod over the continent in the 1800's, looting and destroying as they went. Maybe he feels that Africans don't know Russyan history. Maybe they don't know about the Czars and their royal greed as they went into Asia and destroyed entire cultures in their rapacious grab of more territory.

        Well, many African leaders know the truth. However, they are also pragmatists and are well aware of Russya, China, and others who seek much of the continent's wealth. Not unlike days of old. In the Central African Republic, Russyan troops are assisting locals as they are forced to teach Russyan language to the locals, as they extract diamonds from the nation. In Sudan, next door, Russyans are buying gold from local miners outside normal commercial sites. This gold is then sent on to the Kremlin where it is processed into gold products for sale. Sound familiar? It's the same old Russyan playbook, over seen by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, dictator for life.

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