Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Kremlin Spokesman Lights Fire-Again

        The Old Face of the Kremlin lit up the internet yesterday with a few well chosen words and statements. This pathetic puppet has enjoyed more than the minimum 15 minutes of fame alloted to most individuals. He must have some inside information on Mad Vlad or he must own lots of Rosneft stock or he's a con man of titanic proportions or the Russyans think so. Well, what was it the jowled face said?

       The essence of his statement is: Hitler was part jewish. He didn't stop there either. President Zelensky is jewish and responsible for the war there. And jews bring antisemitism on themselves. So, here we have a representative spokesman from the largest country in the world with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons and most recently saying that "any country who thwarts Russya's efforts could inflict disater on themselves from Russya's arsenal. Hmmmmmm. Is this "blackmail"? Nuclear "blackmail? Sure is. So the old bespectacled scumbag continues his role as the sewer pipe that carries effluent from the bowels of the Kremlin to the world.

       For 75 years or more, the world has lived with the threat of nuclear war. Those "boomers" who grew up with the daily threat from the U.S.S.R. knew early on that instant death was a fact of life. When the old Soviet Union imploded in 1989, a collective sigh of relief was heard from around the world: Peace in our time!. The giant is dead. Long live peace. Then we had a comfortable period while the Chief Reptilian Dictator was slithering about St. Petersburg amassing support while old Yeltsin drank himself to death. And here we are with Lavrov or Lapdog as we call him in Tahoma.

Sergey Lavrov: Listen My Children

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