Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Comrade, Bro Partnership

       So, Since February 4th, the world has been treated to photos of the "new" EurAsian Bromance, or in this case the new BroComradeship-mance.  Xi Jin Ping and Mr. Vladimir Vladimorovich Putin have embraced one another4, finally, for the cameras.  The 2022 Olympic Games, held in snow-less Beijing, held opening ceremonies at which both dictators attended(a ribbon cutting?).  Little Vlad stared directly into Xi JP's hazel eyes, a declaration of affection if there ever was one.  NOw they've cemented their relationship after all this dancing around the perimeter of love.

      It's only fitting: one is dictator for life of more Commies than Putin would ever hope to dictate as China's population stalls at about 1.457 billions(including those pesky Uyghurs out west), while Putin's former Commies have topped out at about 134.5 millions of cold vodka consumers hoping the Siberian Steppe doesn't become another province of China as the growing season creeps northward, affording Cinese farmers to advance on a broad front of agricultural opportunities. Next thing you know, Sochi beaches will be covered by Chines middle class workers getting a little tan to compliment their sallow faces.  What can Vlad do ? Smile a lot.

       Let's not forget that Vlad doesn't really care about China-yet.  He's enjoying the ripple-affect in Ukraine and Western Europe where his goal is to extend Russyan influence over the former satellites of eastern Russyan captives. One wonders: does Putin pray at night to Josef Stalin, asking for guidance and inspiration?  Maybe so, maybe not.  Whoever he prays to hasn't been very forthcoming with advice he can use.  So, Mad Vlad tumbles around the eastern Ukraine border, scaring a few old locals, but otherwise, it's business as usual there as winter's cold marches on toward spring and rebirth.

      Joe Biden is doing his best to act presidential as world banks chat about what a shooting war might mean for loan rates, IPO's, stock valuations, vacations to the Black Sea beaches, availability of Russyan girls during those vacations, corporate board seating arrangements, and of course, compensation levels post war.  Ahhhhh, bankers-enjoying the same reputations they have continued to warrant after all these years.  Scum.

      Did you give the appropriate gifts yesterday?  Send in your personal efforts-we'll keep a list.

Have a nice winter's day.  And Kamila: go back to the dacha and ask the coach: why was the drug discovered this time?  I deserve better, Comrade Doktor.

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