Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Beijing: Where the World Meets Communism Head On

       So, you are an Olympic athlete, winter's version of same.  You made the team; you've worked hard for 4 years at least.  Now, it's showtime.  No excuses here on the world stage.  Oh, we are in the midst of a pandemic.  China has a "no infections allowed" policy.  Catch a virus-get isolated and/or sent into quarantine.  Or, if detected before arrival, no entry.  This is just the beginning.  Now let's look at politics, which is the largest part of these games.  The I.O.C., the soul less body that oversees every Olympics, continues to demonstrate its lack of morals, ethics, and seriousness about everything connected to the modern Games.  The I.O.C. does look closely on finances.  Hmmmm. How much did NBC pay- north of $18 billions.  Not an insignificant sum.  How much did the Chinese pay to bring the games here?  Nobody is talking on that figure.  But, world opinion knows that these Games were to be billed as another opening for China into global power politics.  This in addition to the Beijing summer games of the recent past(see buildings still around from them in Beijing). eg Birds Nest Stadium.

      How about local communications?  Have an iphone?  Guess what? The PLA  has your number.  Who is that?  Why it's the Peoples Liberation Army, in charge of cell phone service everywhere.  Huawei?  Who dey?  A provider.  Your cell number has been provided to the PLA; your name and number, too.  Whay can one do?  Get a throw away phone while in China.  A one time use phone; rent one before you arrive-that's what smart money is doing.  Oh, and don't forget that it's again' the law to criticize the gov'ment of China while in China.  Don't bad mouth the Commies; you could end up in prison; under house arrest; or yanked out of your starting gate to answer to the PLA thugs who don't answer to anybody.

        The media coverage has been overly benign, ensuring that all broadcasts are sterile reportage of the events.  They are washed and sanitized for the viewers so as not to enrage party members nearby.  How lovely!

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