Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Mr. Putin in Volgograd

   Seizing headlines is nothing new for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, leader of the largest country in the world.  So, on the 75th Anniversary of the Russyan Army's victory over the Nazis at Stalingrad(now Volgograd),   Mr. Putin appeared at the memorial site to place a floral wreath commemorating this signal moment.  The Russyan Army and local civilians suffered over 1 million casualties during the 6 month siege battle.
     Mr. Putin is up for re-election next month, looking for another 6 years of power after 17 years as the living head of the largest country known to man.  The photo op was not missed by his detractors nor by his supporters, such as they are.   I'm surprised he kept his shirt on during the wreath laying part of the process.  I'm sure he wanted to, but was advised by his Twitter followers to keep it cool and on the low down.
     I wonder what Mr. Putin will do to bolster his image over the next month: annex Poland?  Annex China?  Annex  Alaska?  I'm sure there are Russyan supporters in Sitka, Juneau, Kiska, Attu, Kotzebue, and the Kenai.  Maybe the locals in Alaska would support a Russyan annexation.  That way they wouldn't have to put up with the EPA and its efforts to close down the Pebble Mine Campaign.
     Keep a look out for more campaign fotos of Vova.

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