Monday, September 26, 2016

Hillary is Endorsed By NYT

     So, finally, the "Old Grey Lady" puts its support in print-boldly, one could say.  The Sunday NY Times reaches 2 million + households and 3 X that number of readers, many of them Democrats, but many Repulsicans, too.  Almost the entire page of the editorial section was devoted to various support positions in favor of Hillary Clinton.  Whether emails or Bengahzi or Health Care attempts, the NYT editorial spells out its strong case for her election as the next President of the USA.
      Tonight, Monday the 26th of September, Hillary will debate the liar Donald Trump, standard bearer of the GOP, party of idiots and cowards(see Cruz and Rubio and Ryan).  The debate could be viewed by upwards of 100 million viewers- a substantial number of whom will be voting in 50 days.  It could be make or break for Mr. Bluster or it could also tighten a race that has befuddled experts for the entire year.   Mr. Bluster has never spoken to the voters for more than a few minutes; he can't focus that long unless there is somebody wearing a skirt involved.
     So, this could be really a test for the Darn Old, a test he is most likely to fail unless he steps out of character and attempts normal behaviors.  Good luck.
    See you tonight after the debate.

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