Friday, June 5, 2015

Letter From Moskova

     The USA received a letter from abroad today.  It was lengthy, but full of insight, well thought out, and concise in its message and content.  It was from an American expat living in Eastern Europe- that part east of Poland and west of the Ural Mountains.  Yes, that area known to today's world as the Russyan Federation, formerly the U.S.S.R.
     Who would want to send such a missive and have it published in a widely read daily?   Whose words would resonate across the American landscape?  Whose input would be considered by editors as pithy and above all:timely.  Yes, your are correct: Edward J. Snowden.
     He takes time to praise recent developments on domestic surveillance carried out by democratic governments, in the US and abroad.   He noted the recent court rulings that found  the N.S.A. eavesdropping on private phone calls illegal.  Congress refused to renew the law giving the N.S.A. another body blow.   It's not easy being a whistle blower.  Perhaps his future will be one of retuning to his home from abroad.
     How would you like to live in MOskova as a "guest" of Vlad "Vova" Putin?   Not many people relish the thought.

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