Sunday, January 25, 2015

Donetsk Airport: Now in Ruins

      Well, Vladimir, are you happy now?  Your troops just destroyed a multimillion dollar airport facility.  Yes, an almost new facility with the ability to serve a large commercial aviation operation.  Now, dust, debris, the stench of death.  Nice job, Vlad.  Oh,yes, we know what you will say: it's the fascists in Kiev.  They are to blame for this out rage.  But, alas, the CIA knows better.  Obama knows better.  Angela Merkel knows better.  Even Pope Francis knows better.  And your Russyan peoples: they are fed a constant stream of lies from Novorussya, Pravda, and other house organs run by oligarch, pimps, and FSB thugs.
       Yes, the West is looking at ISIS and other more immediate issues, but Obama knows Russya and your jackal buddies in Cuba.  Soon, the price of oil will be under $35/barrel; then the fun begins in Moscova.  The US will start shipping oil direct to Europe, cheap oil at that.  Hmmm.  What will that do to the suffering rouble?  It will be worth less than the Vietnamese Dong.  Then will the oligarchs start running to Switzerland, again?  Not hardly.  The USA has effectively taken over the Swiss banking system, linking computers to assure that they observe all tax legislation passed in Brussels and Washington.
     So, continue your little excursion in Ukraine.  Rail against the Kiev fascists.  But, keep looking over your shoulder.  They're coming for you.

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