Saturday, January 3, 2015

Argentina and Russya: Partners?

      Mad Vlad sure gets around.  Perhaps he had some inside information(of course he does-he's KGB/FSB) when he visited Argentina's president, Christina Kirchner last July to close a 'Food-for-Arms'  deal.  Mad Vlad realized that sanctions by the USA after his Crimean takeover would slow the import of basic foodstuffs, creating anxiety among Russyans who like to eat.  With Argentina's well known economic difficulties, it seemed to Mad Vlad Ms. Kirchner would be amenable to a trade deal.   Sure enough, Mad Vlad was able to strike a nice bargain: I give you advanced fighter bombers(only slightly used, but includes spare parts and owners' manual) and you give us beef carcasses and wheat, and soybeans.   Is now happy in Moscova, smiling Kremlinites.
     The back story includes the fact that the Brits have discovered significant oil deposits in the region around their Falkland Islands, off the east coast of Argentina.  Given the lack of defenses there today, this new offensive(offensive) capability may put the garrison of 1200 British soldiers at risk.   It's been a generation since the Falklands War when PM Maggie Thatcher dispatched a task force to defend the islands from an Argentine invasion.   But that doesn't mean the Brits are ready to concede their territory.  Yes, the new British aircraft carrier is still on the ways, but the British navy still has assets while Argentina has little in the way of modern capability.
     The OAS would hardly support a aggressive posture by Argentina and would have to sanction the country in the event of a military move.  The UN might even wake up.
     I wonder how much beef Mad Vlad received for the 4 jets?  10 filet mignons?

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