Tuesday, August 27, 2013

War Drums- the Beat Goes On

       We've heard them before, these drums.   Now they are electronic, heard through the various media: TV, of course, but also the internet, the radio, the satellite TV, Sirius Radio, and all the others.
Pres. Obama is meeting with all his advisors, his ambassadors are on the move.  Coalitions are being formed; plans are being updated; timetables are being adjusted.
      It seems the formulae are predictable these days; they follow a similar pattern: verbal sparring, accusation and denial; more warnings, more failures to heed them; and now the final stage: action on the part of the accuser(s).
      Next will be the pictures sent around the world:  buildings burning, civilians running for their lives; defiant dictators gesturing wildly from an unknown location.  Missing from the picture, past and present are those of the nearest neighbors: members of the Arab League.  Why are they not outraged to the point of action?  Perhaps they've learned that eventually, the western powers will depart the 'hood, and they'll have to live with the leftovers.  Not a pleasant thought.
     Who will bear the burden?  Maybe Obama will spread the wealth, but look for the usual cast of characters: France, England, USA, Germany, and maybe Italy, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, and Greece.  Then,too, perhaps Japan and Korea will send help.  Maybe the Philippine Is. will join.  Actual participants are always a blind guess.
     Will manned aircraft be used?  Not if the Defense Dept. decides it's not worth the risk; not after a few incidents in Iraq and Afghanistan.   Armed drones and cruise missiles will be the vehicles of choice.  As they should be.   The life of a downed pilot is not worth 2 cents in this neck of the woods.
Good luck Obama.  Syria is but an Iranian client, in case one is wondering.

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