Monday, August 19, 2013

Ashland and Betty Laduke

       Made a getaway trip to our northern neighbor, Oregon, to visit Ashland, OR, and surroundings.  We also spent time with the Minister of Aviation who was at his ranch just outside of town.   Eastern Oregon can get warm in late summer, and this year was no exception.   Temps were in the high 80's during the day, and a pleasant high 70's in the evening.
      A hike was suggested for one day; locals were feeling a little confined as a result of a forest fire west of Mt. Ashland that covered the town with smoke and ash.  Folks were advised to stay indoors and performances at the Shakespeare Elizabethan  stage were cancelled.  That is serious smoke!  We drove out of town a few miles  to a trail head where we parked our van.  Our destination: Grizzly Peak, that mountain that dominates the terrain northeast of Ashland city proper.  Then we followed a nice path that traversed the slope through the pine forest, twisting our way higher and higher.  As we neared the crest, evidence confronted us of an old forest fire that raced through the area almost 11 years ago.   The ground is now green, and young pines are about 6' tall.   The dead snags(trees) and stump give silent testimony to the past conflagration.
       Many hikers passed us coming and going.  It was encouraging to count many seniors among the other hikers, stepping along, swinging their walking sticks, pumping the arms as they pass.   But it is Oregon.   We stopped at the summit and were able to enjoy the view to Mt. Ashland to the west.  A slight haze persisted, but not near as bad as a few days earlier.  It was a fine 2 hour effort.
A highlight of the trip was to follow.Next post.

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