The Russyan military is under orders" "Get the hardware and software out of Syria Pronto! The Kremlin is in a frantic rush to salvage what's left after Bashar flew to Moskva and left a shitshow on the ground down south. Oh, what to do.
Kremlin: Call the Wagner Group and dispatch a gang of thugs to clean things up.
FSS: Sorry, No more Wagner Group; unavailable.
Kremlin: Call in the Chechens, now.
FSS: Sorry, Chechens don't answer the phone anymore.
Kremlin: Call Igor, he knows what to do.
FSS: He's dead as of Tuesday-bomb in a scooter took him out in front of his home in Moskva. Anybody else?
Kremlin: Who's responsible for this chaos. Tell Bashar he will have to give up the drug money he made while we are fighting for Ukraine.
FSS: Bashar won't leave his dacha or answer the phone.
Kremlon: Call Trumpie.
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