Friday, December 20, 2024

Bring in the Clowns

        Did Elon approve of Trumpie's nominee for IRS Commisioner? Maybe yes, maybe no. But we do know that Trumpie made a delicious choice to run the Tax Agency. Mr. Billy Long is a formner US Congressman from the State of Missouri. He served there for a few terms. Now about his expertise and experience in all things tax.

       Let's seeeeeeeee. Ok, what else? Why not view ProPublica's in depth piece on Mr. Bill. Mr. Bill claims thtat he knows tax/taxes/IRS. He even touts his programs to help folks reduce their tax bill. He claims to be a CTBA, which he adds to his name. What is a CTBA? Hmmmm. It is something created  2 years ago by a company Excell Empire, a Florida firm. If one can afford the fee, $4995. recently, and the time-a 3 day seminar, you will be granted a certificate of: Certified Tax and Business Advisor.

   So, what can you do? One can tell folks-clients- that a taxpayer can deduct business expenses. And........

conduct business.......and file tax returns as required by law, and .................................

    Mr. Billy Long personifies the Trump Clown Show that he hopes the duped Republicans will go along with after January 20th when he assumes the "role" of POTUS. He 'll have another buffoon at the head of an agency of the government that is responsible for tax collection from individuals and private busiuness and those other citizens that Judge John Roberts calls corporations(Citizens United). Mr. Billy touts tax reductions of 40%. Ha s Mr. Billy ever taken a course on taxation? Does he pay his own taxes? Can he show us HIS tax forms?

     Billie Long has had a job as an auctioneer, which in many ways, is similar to an actor, performing in front of a crowd, a crowd composed of other shills and reprobates working the bargain hunters who show up hoping to find a discounted bargain,somehow. Old Billie Long liked the "action" among his peer group: con men all. Now he is in league with American history's biggest con man and flim-flam artist: DJT 

     He'llprobably be dining wirh Elon Musk soon where he can learn how to navigate the IRS from pros like Elon. No doubt, first order of business will be: cut the budget of the IRS. No money, no enforcement. Drop all pending enforcement actions(see donor lists for names). Trumpie has made lots of promises on the back-9 to his golfing buddies/donors/insiders/ con men/ corporate leaders-scammers.

    Trumpie knows how to get the opposition stirred up, that's for sure. With this nomination, he sends the message far and wide: don't worry about the IRS, it's history. No budget, no IRS.  Paper Tiger=Billy Long.

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