Wednesday, May 29, 2024


   Well, sports fans, it's that time of the year again: restock your supply of firewood. Why let the forest fires consume it all? How about us little guys? We burn a whole lot less than Mother Nature and Her wildland fiascos. So, get with it; hit the hinterlands, load up today.

    The MAyor will be bringing up his supply shortly, having found a source down the hill. Wholesale prices; you p/u; bring your truck and trailer. Now the hard part: what is a cord of wood? How does one measure a cord?  Hmmmm.

      Traditional suppliers do their own "measurements". Get it? Their 'own' definition of "cord". The dictionary definition is: 4'X4' X 8'! or: 128 cubic feet. Simple, really. ACCEPT NO OTHER definitions or explanations or "estimates". Be especially wary for the supplier who delivers and dumps the "cord" in your driveway or side yard for you to stack. Hmmmm. Then what? You stack and measure. Hey, wait. It only measures 85 cubic feet; or 90 cubic feet, or........ Better call the thief right back as the Mayor has done. Be especially wary of providers from Tahoe/Truckee-they buy from brokers down the hill- wholesalers who buy up old almond orchards, rip them out, and hire ag workers on weekends to cut it up, by the hour-$20/25 per hour. Now they'll charge you ++++++++(hauling, loading, sales tax((Ha)),etc. And they don't always cut to 16"-most often, less than 16".  3 pieces, end to end= 4'(48"), the basis for all cords; nobody wants a 4' piece!

     So, there you have it. Why get cheated by some pirate; it's bad enough we have to deal with PG&E, the classic Pirates of California.

Have a nice day.

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