Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Vladimir: What's Happened to your Ruble?

        The world has been forced to look at another deadly conflict between neighbors in the Middle East. This has put Russya's invasion of Ukraine off the front pages worldwide. However, for those Ukainians fighting for their own survival, the reality is in front of them. On the same token, those supporters of the Kremlin have had to face a turn against their own financial situation(s): the ruble's value is in the "Toto" as  we say out West.(Toto  is the premier manufacturer  of toilets and bidets in Japan.)

       What? How can this be? Is not Russya one of the top exporters of oil(energy) in the world today(yesterday and tomorrow)? And isn't the Kremlin ruling as a dictatorship run by a madman? Yes, it is. So, now we have oligarchs, tech heads, everyday vodka drinkers facing a sharp decrease in their new worth. Remember when the Kremlin chortled about the effects of sanctions of the West on the economy of the largest country in the world? Remember when Mad Vlad met with his Chinese 'Bro'-Xi jin Ping? Hmmmm. Now China's economy is getting a little sluggish and could fall into a deep recession any day now as the property market descends into the "Toto". Hmmmmm. Maybe all is not well in the Asia area. Asia area: Vladivostok on the Pacific Coast to St. Petersburg on the Gulf of Finland/Baltic Sea. Quite a stretch.

       Meanwhile, back at Kremlinville, Mad Vlad continues to shrink from the public. Hear the clicking sound? He's rattling the ballbearings in his hand. The assassination of the WAGNER Group leadership is still fresh in the minds of the military, the mercenaries, and the public in Russya. They've barely had time to digest these cold, hard facts when the Ukraine army continued to recapture area formerly occupied by the Little Green Men of the Kremlin's Special Operation.

      Mad Vlad's plans have been upset. He's no longer front and center on the world Stage. He's been 'upstaged' by Murderous forces from Gaza who make sport at Iran's behest by murdering innocent civilians in Israel. Retaliation has begun and will get very ugly in a very big way, as it should. Yes, there are innocent Palestinians who are prisoners of Hamas:trapped by a regime whose only existence is enabled by Iran. Perhaps Mad Vlad will rethink his plans. NOT.

      So, Russyans: count your rubles-you now need 50% more than you did a few months ago to buy the government-provided white gas to dull your senses.

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