Sunday, April 24, 2022

Dick Spotswood on the Cal State Housing Quotas

       Well, it's time to focus a bit locally, as in California local. Housing, or lack of, has been a problem in the state for years. Too much demand, too little product. The environmentalists have effectively ytaken control everywhere across the landscape. It comes in the form of CEQA: the California Environmental Quality Act. It is the basis for all reviews of development no matter where, city or county. And it is often, just the beginning! Planners are very sensitive to all criticism and politicians even more so. However, pressure is building to the breaking point and the solons(using the term loosely) have decided they must act. "we'll tell all those locals they must build and must build how much we tell them to build. So, the numbers flow: 3,000, here; 2500 there. No rhyme nor reason, just numbers. Locals are horrified.

       Where did they get the numbers? According to Dick Spotswood, a writer in MArin cunty and a watchdog for voters there, says that Michael S. Tilden, California's acting state auditor, got involved by the request of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee. His office evaluated the Dept.of Housing and Community Development(HCD). Tilden's office found that the HDC could not demonstrate that the office complied with all pertinent state laws required. the auditor's conclusion: "Overall, our audit determined that HCD does not ensure that its needs assessments are accurateand adequately supported".

       Spotswood recommends that all city and county planningstops until the facts are clear and the legislature is transparent as to the real needs for housing statewide. The current climate begs for accuracy at every level.

   Gavin Newsom: Dunce!

State Senate: pathetic

State Assembly: worse

State of California Fiscal environment: one of worst 5 states in the union

       Without an intervention to correct the accuracy of the numbers, there will be no credibility.

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