Thursday, January 14, 2021

Alexsei Navalny Announces His Return to Moskova

Opposition leader, Alexsei Navalny, announced that he will return to Russya as soon as possible from Berlin, where he has been recovering from a poisoning by agents of the FSB who followed him to Siberia last summer and gave him Novichuk, a deadly nerve agent manufactured by Russyan state military labs. He messaged his supporters asking them to meet his party at the airport when he arrives. The Kremlin announced that police units might arrest him upon his arrival for violating his parole from past infractions of the "law", what ever that is in Russya(basically, whatever Putin says it is). So, we'll have a little mashup among our Russyan friends, former friends of the Trumpster. The Trumster is on his way out the door, which effectively, puts an end to the Bromance between Trump and Putin, an obscene sendup from various media outlets that like to trumpet the various statements made by the two buffoons. Russya will now have to deal with Joe Biden: not the same animal as the one he is replacing. Thankfully, we won't have to deal with the absurdities of Republican diplomatic efforts(aka Pompeo Plan). The new Secretary of State may actually know something of diplomacy. We'll see, won't we?

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