Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Trump Acquitted

     So, Mr. Donald John Trump walks.  The Democrats have indigestion.  Mitch McConnell thwarted their combined efforts to drag the nation through months of bickering over witnesses and their testimony.  Sen.  Mitt Romney(R., UT), vited to impeach, saying he voted his Mormon conscience.
Well, now what?  The campaign for president is under way.  After the Iowa fiasco, it's on to New Hampshire or Bernie Country.  He'll surge after the vote, then head down South where he should get his socialist clock cleaned.  Poor Bernie-the epitome of self delusion.  But at least he has been self deluded throughout his political career.   Although now, he thinks that he can carry the delusion to a new cohort of young voters.  Ha.
     Joe Biden has indigestion, too.  He must rally soon or his moderate democratic voice will be silenced earlier than expected.  And Michael Bloomberg is waiting to pounce on the faltering candidates who lack the money to continue.  He'll come rolling in with his millions and spark the debate among the libs who will be shocked that he can spend so much without losing sleep.  And he has experience, something most candidates lack.  Pete did well, but we know he's un-electable.  So, the march to super Tuesday continues.

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