Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Huawei Troubles Mounting Again

      Well, the US Dept. of Justice announced that it was filing complaints of racketeering against the Chinese tech behemoth Huawei for a pattern of actions over the last decade that it perceives to be a form of criminal racketeering.  This comes on the heels of other US government actions including the arrest in Vancouver, BC, Canada of the daughter of the founder of the Chinese company.  Additionally, the US government is asking other Western nations to forego adding Huawei technology to their 5G network build up.  The US claims that Huawei is beholden to the Beijing government and could easily inform the company that they should incorporate spyware into their equipment that would then be instructed to gather information from those same networks in place in host nations.  Huawei denies that this is true, but intelligent services indicate that such statements are inherently misleading and factually untrue on their face.
        It has become apparent that more Justice Department actions will be forthcoming in the near term as Trump's trade negotiators continue to press the government on international trade terms that need immediate attention.  As the government in Beijing copes with the coronavirus outbreak, the country is in essence in lock down.   Transportation networks are frozen and intercity traffic has ground to a halt.  Numbers of new cases continue to rise and authorities can only hope that the rate will slow.   Our East Asian Minister has not reported any updated information from his position, and we expect to hear from him soon.
       The cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan, has seen cases of coronavirus grow among its passengers on board who have been quarantined in place.  Some 300 American passengers have been removed and returned to the States.   While the disease has spread, it does not constitute a threat to overseas territories and nations.
More to follow.

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